Ephesians 1:14 - Pledge of our inheritance?
Does Ephesians 1:14 have conditions?
Ephesians 1:13: "in Whom also we — having-heard the word (of) truth, the good-news (of) your salvation, in Whom also having-believed — you-were-sealed (in) the Holy Spirit (of) promise,"
Ephesians 1:14: "Which is (the) PLEDGE (of) our INHERITANCE for (the) [final] redemption (of His) possession for (the) praise (of) His glory."
The "PLEDGE" can be the Holy Spirit, as it is written in all the New Testament passages using the Greek word for "PLEDGE" [arrabón 728 in Greek]:
"the Holy Spirit (of) promise, which is (the) PLEDGE [arrabón 728 in Greek]" (Ephesians 1:13-14).
"the PLEDGE [arrabón 728 in Greek] (of) the Spirit" (2 Corinthians 1:22).
"God, the (One) having-given us (His) PLEDGE [arrabón 728 in Greek]: the Spirit" (2 Corinthians 5:5).
What is a pledge?
The only other example in the entire Bible using the Greek word for "PLEDGE" [arrabón 728 in Greek] can be found in Genesis 38.
It is written that "Judah" (Genesis 38:15) went to "Tamar" (Genesis 38:13) to have an intimate intercourse with her. He wanted to give her a payment for this, saying: "I will send you a young goat" (Genesis 38:17). Because the payment could not yet be sent, Tamar said: "give [me] a PLEDGE [arrabón 728 in Greek], until you send [it]" (Genesis 38:17). Judah gave her a PLEDGE, which was his ring, his necklace and the staff in his hand. They then had intimate intercourse. Later, Judah sent the payment to receive back his PLEDGE: "Then Judah sent the young goat of the goats by [the] hand of his shepherd the Odollamite, to receive the PLEDGE [arrabón 728 in Greek] from the woman" (Genesis 38:20).
As we learn from this story, the "PLEDGE" was a guarantee that the payment would be sent later, UNDER THE CONDITION also that Tamar would have an intimate intercourse with Judah after receiving the "PLEDGE".
In a similar way, God gave us "(His) PLEDGE [arrabón 728 in Greek]: the Spirit" (2 Corinthians 5:5) so as to have a guarantee of our INHERITANCE, as the Holy Spirit is "(the) PLEDGE [arrabón 728 in Greek] (of) our INHERITANCE" (Ephesians 1:14), under the condition also of loving God for example after receiving the "PLEDGE", as it is written about the "inheritors (of) the kingdom which He-promised (to) the (ones) loving Him" (James 2:5).
It would also be possible for someone to fall from meeting the condition of loving God after first meeting this condition, as for example to the same "church in Ephesus" (Revelation 2:1) it was written: "I-have against you that you-left your first love" (Revelation 2:4).
Paul wrote that the Holy Spirit is "(the) PLEDGE (of) our INHERITANCE [kléronomia 2817 in Greek] (Ephesians 1:14).
Several chapters later in Ephesians 5, Paul indicated that one does not have an inheritance unconditionally, as he wrote: "For you-know this — recognizing that EVERY SEXUAL-IMMORAL or UNCLEAN or GREEDY (person) (that is, (an) idolater) DOES NOT HAVE (AN) INHERITANCE [kléronomia 2817 in Greek] in the kingdom (of) Christ and God" (Ephesians 5:5).
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