John 10:27-28 - Conditional eternal life?

Does John 10:27-28 have conditions?

John 10:27: "My SHEEP HEAR My voice. And I know THEM, and THEY-FOLLOW Me."

John 10:28: "And-I give THEM eternal life, and THEY-may never perish, to the age. And someone will not snatch THEM out-of My hand."

Sheep who hear and follow:

Jesus said: "MY SHEEP HEAR My voice. And I know them, and THEY-FOLLOW Me. And-I give THEM eternal life, and THEY-may never perish, to the age. And someone will not snatch THEM out-of My hand" (John 10:27-28).

On which conditions does Jesus give "THEM eternal life" (John 10:28), and "THEY-may never perish" (John 10:28), and someone "will not snatch THEM" (John 10:28) out of His hand?

On the conditions that THEY are part of His "SHEEP" (John 10:27), which "HEAR" (John 10:27) His voice and "FOLLOW" (John 10:27) Him. If one does not "HEAR" His voice, or does not "FOLLOW" Him, that one would not meet the required conditions anymore.


On which condition does Jesus give "THEM eternal life" (John 10:28), and "THEY-may never perish" (John 10:28), and someone "will not snatch THEM" (John 10:28) out of His hand?

On the condition that THEY are part of His "SHEEP" (John 10:27).

Jesus said that one can become a "LOST SHEEP" (Luke 15:6)


On which condition does Jesus give "THEM eternal life" (John 10:28), and "THEY-may never perish" (John 10:28), and someone "will not snatch THEM" (John 10:28) out of His hand?

On the condition that THEY "HEAR" (John 10:27) His voice.

It is possible for example for one to close their eyes to not see and not HEAR with their ears, as for example Jesus said: "they-closed their eyes that they-might not ever see (with their) eyes, and HEAR (with their) ears" (Matthew 13:15).


On which condition does Jesus give "THEM eternal life" (John 10:28), and "THEY-may never perish" (John 10:28), and someone "will not snatch THEM" (John 10:28) out of His hand?

On the condition that THEY "FOLLOW" (John 10:27) Him

It is possible for example for one to go away from Jesus instead of FOLLOWING Jesus, as for example it is written: "Jesus said (to) him, “If you-wish to-be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give (it to) the poor, and you-will-have treasure in (the) heavens. And come, BE-FOLLOWING Me”. BUT having-heard the statement, the young-man WENT-AWAY" (Matthew 19:21-22).

They "may" never perish:

Jesus said: "My sheep hear My voice. And I know them, and they-follow Me. And-I give them eternal life, and THEY-MAY never PERISH" (John 10:27-28).

The Greek word "THEY-MAY-PERISH" is in the Subjunctive mood, which is the mood of possibility and potentiality, meaning that the action described may or may not occur, depending upon other conditions.

Judas the Iscariot was a sheep who perished?

Jesus said: "MY SHEEP hear My voice. And I know them, and they-follow Me. And-I give them eternal life, and THEY-MAY never PERISH" (John 10:27-28).

Judas the Iscariot would have been a SHEEP. Indeed, Jesus, "having-summoned HIS TWELVE DISCIPLES" (Matthew 10:1) of whom was "JUDAS THE ISCARIOT, the (one) also having-handed Him over" (Matthew 10:4), then sent them, as it is written: "JESUS SENT-OUT THESE TWELVE, having-instructed them, saying" (Matthew 10:5): "I AM-SENDING YOU OUT AS SHEEP in (the) midst (of) wolves" (Matthew 10:16).

Yet Judas was said to have PERISHED later, as Jesus said: "I have-been-keeping them in Your name which You-have-given (to) Me. And I-guarded (them), and none of them PERISHED EXCEPT THE SON (OF) DESTRUCTION, in-order-that the Scripture might-be-fulfilled" (John 17:12).

Conditions not met for eternal life anymore?:

If someone would not meet the conditions anymore to HAVE ETERNAL life, could that person still HAVE ETERNAL life? 

For further information, click on the following article:
Can something eternal not be applied to someone anymore?:
Click here

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