Jude 1:24 - Kept from stumbling without blemish?

Does Jude 1:24 have conditions?

Jude 1:24: "Now (to) the (One) BEING-ABLE to-keep you not-stumbling and to-make-(you)-stand in-the-presence-of His glory without-blemish in gladness,"


The "(One) BEING-ABLE to-keep you not-stumbling and to-make-(you)-stand in-the-presence-of His glory without-blemish in gladness" (Jude 1:24).

It is only written that the One is "BEING-ABLE" (Jude 1:24), not that the One will therefore do it unconditionally.

The One is "BEING-ABLE to-keep you NOT-STUMBLING" (Jude 1:24).

The Greek word for "NOT-STUMBLING" (aptaistos 679 in Greek) is composed of "alpha" (alpha 1 in Greek) as a negative particle, and the Greek word for "to-stumble" (ptaió 4417 in Greek).

To not "stumble" would be conditional for example also upon man doing some things, as it is written: "brothers, be-diligent more to-be-making your calling and election firm. For (while) doing these (things) you will by no means ever stumble (ptaisēte 4417 in Greek)" (2 Peter 1:10).

The One is "BEING-ABLE" "to-make-(you)-stand in-the-presence-of His glory WITHOUT-BLEMISH in gladness" (Jude 1:24).

To be "WITHOUT-BLEMISH" (Jude 1:24) would be for example also conditioned upon continuing in the faith, as it is written elsewhere: "(that He might) present you holy and WITHOUT-BLEMISH and blameless in His presence — if indeed you-continue (in) the faith, having-been-founded, and steadfast, and not being-moved-away from the hope (of) the good-news which you-heard" (Colossians 1:22-23).

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