Ephesians 1:13: Sealed in the Holy Spirit?

Does Ephesians 1:13 have conditions?

Ephesians 1:13: "in Whom also we — having-heard the word (of) truth, the good-news (of) your salvation, in Whom also having-believed — YOU-WERE-SEALED (in) the Holy Spirit (of) promise,"

Sealed until a (future) redemption?

Paul wrote: "YOU-WERE-SEALED (in) the HOLY SPIRIT (of) promise, Which is (the) pledge (of) our inheritance for (the final) REDEMPTION [apolutrо́sis 629 in Greek] (of His) possession" (Ephesians 1:13). 

Paul wrote about: "THE HOLY SPIRIT (of) God in Which YOU-WERE-SEALED for (the) day (of) REDEMPTION [apolutrо́sis 629 in Greek]" (Ephesians 4:30). 

What would this (future) REDEMPTION be about?

It would be a (future) REDEMPTION of our body, as Paul wrote that we are "EAGERLY-AWAITING adoption-as-sons, the REDEMPTION [apolutrо́sis 629 in Greek] (of) our body" (Romans 8:23).

"Grieve" not the Holy Spirit in Which you were sealed?

Paul wrote: "YOU-WERE-SEALED (in) the HOLY SPIRIT" (Ephesians 1:13). 

Paul wrote that it is possible for someone who has been SEALED in the Holy Spirit to GRIEVE the Holy Spirit, as he wrote: "GRIEVE not THE HOLY SPIRIT (of) God in Which YOU-WERE-SEALED" (Ephesians 4:30). 

This would have been a warning from Paul recalling what would have happened to the people of God in the past. The only other instance in the entire Bible in which the "HOLY SPIRIT" specifically was described as being "GRIEVED" specifically was recorded in Isaiah, in which it is written about the people of God that: "they rebelled and GRIEVED His HOLY SPIRIT; so He changed and BECAME THEIR ENEMY, and He Himself fought against them" (Isaiah 63:10). 

After that the people of God "GRIEVED His HOLY SPIRIT" (Isaiah 63:10), God "BECAME THEIR ENEMY [echthra 2189 in Greek], and He Himself fought against them" (Isaiah 63:10). 

Jesus warned in a parable in Luke about those who are His ENEMIES (who would be by extension enemies of God), saying: "bring here these ENEMIES [echthrous 2190 in Greek] (of) mine, the (ones) not having-wanted me to-be-king over them, and SLAY THEM in-front-of me" (Luke 19:27).

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