Ephesians 1:13: Sealed in the Holy Spirit?
Does Ephesians 1:13 have conditions?
Ephesians 1:13: "in Whom also we — having-heard the word (of) truth, the good-news (of) your salvation, in Whom also having-believed — YOU-WERE-SEALED (in) the Holy Spirit (of) promise,"
"Grieve" not the Holy Spirit in Which you were sealed?
Paul wrote: "YOU-WERE-SEALED (in) the HOLY SPIRIT" (Ephesians 1:13).
Paul wrote that it is possible for someone who has been SEALED in the Holy Spirit to GRIEVE the Holy Spirit, as he wrote: "GRIEVE not THE HOLY SPIRIT (of) God in Which YOU-WERE-SEALED" (Ephesians 4:30).
Why sealed in the Holy Spirit?
Paul wrote: "YOU-WERE-SEALED (in) the HOLY SPIRIT" (Ephesians 1:13).
You were sealed in the Holy Spirit so that "if (by the) Spirit you-are-putting-to-death the practices (of) the body, you-will-live" (Romans 8:13), but that does not remove the possibility that "if you-are-living in-accordance-with (the) flesh, you-will die" (Romans 8:13).
For more information:
Romans 8:13 - If you are living in accordance with the flesh, you will die?:
Click here
Sealed until a (future) redemption?
Paul wrote: "YOU-WERE-SEALED (in) the HOLY SPIRIT (of) promise, Which is (the) pledge (of) our inheritance for (the final) REDEMPTION [apolutrо́sis 629 in Greek] (of His) possession" (Ephesians 1:13-14).
Paul wrote about: "THE HOLY SPIRIT (of) God in Which YOU-WERE-SEALED for (the) day (of) REDEMPTION [apolutrо́sis 629 in Greek]" (Ephesians 4:30).
What would this (future) REDEMPTION be about?
It would be a (future) REDEMPTION of our body, as Paul wrote that we are "EAGERLY-AWAITING adoption-as-sons, the REDEMPTION [apolutrо́sis 629 in Greek] (of) our body" (Romans 8:23).
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