Mark 3:35 - Being a brother and sister of Jesus?

 Does Mark 3:35 have conditions?

Mark 3:35: "For whoever DOES the will (of) God — this (one) is My brother and sister and mother”."


Jesus Christ said: "whoever DOES the will (of) God — this (one) is My brother and sister and mother" (Mark 3:35).

So the brother and sister and mother of Jesus Christ is "whoever DOES the WILL (of) God" (Mark 3:35)

For example, seeing the Son and believing into Him would be DOING the WILL of God, as Jesus would have implied when He said: "this is the WILL (of) My Father: that everyone seeing the Son and believing into Him may-have eternal life, and I will-raise him up in the last day" (John 6:40). 

Jesus also gave other conditions to be His mother and brothers, as He said: "My mother and My brothers are these — the (ones) HEARING and DOING the word (of) God" (Luke 8:21). 

So the mother and brothers of Jesus Christ are "the (ones) HEARING and DOING the word (of) God" (Luke 8:21).

It is possible for example for one to close their eyes to not see and not be "HEARING" with their ears, as for example Jesus said: "they-closed their eyes that they-might not ever see (with their) eyes, and HEAR (with their) ears" (Matthew 13:15).

It is also possible to be "HEARING" the word of God but not to be "DOING" it, as for example Jesus referred to "the (one) HAVING-HEARD and not HAVING-DONE (My words)" (Luke 6:49). The words that Jesus spoke here were the words of God, as Jesus said: "the Father has-sent Me forth" (John 5:36) and we know that "He-Whom God sent forth is-speaking the words (of) God" (John 3:34).


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