Are fruits the same as works?

Are fruits the same as works?

FRUITS are not the same as WORKS.  

For example, Paul wrote about "the UNFRUITFUL WORKS (of) darkness" (Ephesians 5:11). 

FRUITS usually would come as a reward after that someone did the necessary WORKS
For example, it is written about the "FRUIT of Your WORKS" (Psalms 104:13). There is here a singular FRUIT of several WORKS
Paul similarly wrote about "FRUIT (from) WORK" (Phillipians 1:22)

FRUITS coming as a reward after that someone did the necessary WORKS could be illustrated with the following verse: "the LAND-WORKER waits-for the precious FRUIT (of) the land, being-patient with it until it-receives (the) early and late (rain)" (James 5:7). The Greek word "LAND-WORKER" (geórgos 1092 in Greek, noun) comes from "land" (gé 1093 in Greek, noun) and the base of "WORK" (ergon 2041 in Greek, noun). In this passage, the "LAND-WORKER" (James 5:7) would already have done WORKS, yet he still "waits-for the precious FRUIT" (James 5:7) that would not have come yet, "being-patient with it" (James 5:7).

It is written in 2 Peter: "these (qualities) being-present (in) you and increasing make (you) neither NON-WORKING nor UNFRUITFUL in the knowledge (of) our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 1:8). The Greek word for "NON-WORKING" (argos 692 in Greek, adjective) comes from "alpha" (alpha 1 in Greek, noun) as a negative particle, and "WORK" (ergon 2041 in Greek, noun). The words "NON-WORKING" (2 Peter 1:8) and "UNFRUITFUL (2 Peter 1:8) are separated by the conjunction "nor" (2 Peter 1:8).

This can explain why Paul wrote that "our (people must) also be-learning to-take-the-lead (in) good WORKS for necessary needs, in-order-that THEY-MAY not BE-UNFRUITFUL" (Titus 3:14). Paul did not write that the people must be learning to take the lead in good works in order that they "will" not BE-UNFRUITFUL, but Paul wrote that the people must be learning to take the lead in good works in order that "THEY-MAY not BE-UNFRUITFUL" (Titus 3:14). The Greek word for "THEY-MAY" is in the Subjunctive mood, which is the mood of possibility and potentiality, meaning that the action described may or may not occur, depending upon other conditions. 


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