Can sinning have consequences over eternal life?

Can sinning have consequences over eternal life?

SINNING [in the present tense] can have consequences over ETERNAL LIFE.

Jesus said: "if your hand or your foot IS-CAUSING [in the present tense] YOU TO-FALL, cut it off and throw (it) from you. It-is better (for) you to-enter into LIFE crippled or lame than to-be-thrown into the ETERNAL fire having two hands or two feet" (Matthew 18:8). Jesus was contrasting "LIFE" (Matthew 18:8) with "ETERNAL fire" (Matthew 18:8), which suggests that Jesus would have been referring to ETERNAL "LIFE" (Matthew 18:8) in this passage.

It is written in 1 John that it is possible for ETERNAL LIFE to not abide in someone because of SINNING [in the present tense], as it reads: "Everyone HATING [in the present tense] his brother IS [in the present tense] (a) murderer, and you-know that every murderer does not have ETERNAL LIFE abiding in him" (1 John 3:15). 


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