Is love a condition of eternal life?

Is love a condition of eternal life?

LOVE is a condition of ETERNAL LIFE.

Someone said to Jesus: "“Teacher, (by) having-done what shall-I-inherit ETERNAL LIFE?” And the (One) said to him, “What has-been-written in the Law? How do-you-read (it)?” And the (one), having-responded, said, “YOU-SHALL-LOVE (the) Lord your God from your whole heart, and with your whole soul, and with your whole strength, and with your whole mind, and your neighbor as yourself”. And He-said (to) him, “You-answered correctly. Be-doing this and YOU-WILL-LIVE" (Luke 10:25-28).

Someone said to Jesus: "“Good Teacher, what good (thing) should-I-do in-order-that I-may-have ETERNAL LIFE?” And the (One) said (to) him, ““Why do-you-call Me good? There is One (Who is) good. But if you-wish to-enter into LIFE, keep the commandments”. He-says (to) Him, “Which (ones)?” And Jesus said, “You-shall not murder. You-shall not commit-adultery. You-shall not steal. You-shall not give-false-testimony. Be-honoring (your) father and (your) mother”. And, “YOU-SHALL-LOVE your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 19:16-19). 

Jesus said: "I did not speak out-of Myself, but the Father having-sent Me — He has-given Me (a) commandment (as to) what I-should-say and what I-should-speak. And I-know that His commandment is ETERNAL LIFE" (John 12:49-50). 
It is written in 1 John about God that "this is His commandment: that we-may-believe (in) the name (of) His Son Jesus Christ, and (that) we-MAY-BE-LOVING one-another, just-as He-gave us (the) commandment" (1 John 3:23). 


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