Is there a law in the new covenant?

Is there a law in the new covenant?

There is a law in the new covenant. It is the law of Christ. 

Paul wrote of "not being myself under (the) Law" (1 Corinthians 9:20) that has to do with "the Jews" (1 Corinthians 9:20). Yet Paul said that he was "not being without(-the)-Law (of) God, but within(-the)-law (of) Christ" (1 Corinthians 9:21) in the new covenant. Paul mentioned this law again to the Galatians when writing about "the law (of) Christ" (Galatians 6:2).

There are commandments in a law. Christ gave commandments.

There are commandments in a law, as it is for example written about a "commandment in the Law" (Matthew 22:36). 

Christ gave commandments, as for example He said: "I-am-giving you (a) new commandmentthat you may-be-loving one-another; just-as I-loved you, that you also may-be-loving one-another" (John 13:34). 

Christ gave commandments in a similar manner as Moses did. 

In Exodus 19, Moses gave commandments, after going up a mountain. 
In Matthew 5, Christ gave commandments in a similar manner as Moses did, after going up a mountain.

It is written about Moses that "the LORD called Moses to the top of the mountain, and Moses went up" (Exodus 19:20). Moses then gave commandments. 

It is written about Christ that "He-went-up on the mountain" (Matthew 5:1). Christ then gave commandments, saying: "whoever breaks one (of) the least (of) these commandments and in-this-manner teaches people, he-will-be-called least in the kingdom (of) the heavens" (Matthew 5:17). 

In Exodus 20, Moses gave commandments.
In Matthew 5, Christ gave commandments in contrast to commandments that Moses gave in Exodus 20.

Moses said: "You shall not murder" (Exodus 20:13). 
Christ said: "You-heard that it-was-said (to) the ancient (ones), ‘You-shall not murder’" (Matthew 5:21), "BUT I say (to) you that everyone being-angry (with) his brother shall-be liable (to) judgment" (Matthew 5:22).

Moses said: "You shall not commit adultery" (Exodus 20:14).
Christ said: "“You-heard that it-was-said, ‘You-shall not commit-adultery’. BUT I say (to) you that everyone looking(-at a) woman so-as to-desire her already committed-adultery (with) her in his heart" (Matthew 5:27-28).

Christ gave blessings (and non blessings) in a similar manner as Moses did. 

In Deuteronomy 11, Moses gave blessings (and non blessings).
In Matthew 5, Christ gave blessings (and non blessings) in a similar manner as Moses did.

In Deuteronomy 11, it is written: "Behold, I set before you this day a BLESSING and a CURSE: the BLESSING, if you listen to the COMMANDMENTS of the LORD your God, which I command you this day; and the CURSE, if you do not listen to the COMMANDMENTS of the LORD your God, as many as I command you this day" (Deuteronomy 11:26-28).

In Matthew 5, it is written that Christ said: "having-opened His mouth HE-WAS-TEACHING them, saying: “BLESSED (are) the poor (in) spirit, because the kingdom (of) the heavens is theirs. BLESSED (are) the (ones) mourning, because they will-be-comforted. BLESSED (are) the gentle (ones), because they will-inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:3-5). 
In a similar passage in Luke, Jesus added: "BLESSED (are) the (ones) hungering now, because you-will-be-filled-to-satisfaction. BLESSED (are) the (ones) weeping now, because you-will-laugh" (Luke 6:21), "BUT WOE (to) you rich (ones), because you-are-receiving-in-full your comfort. WOE (to) you, the (ones) having-been-filled now, because you-will-hunger. WOE, the (ones) laughing now, because you-will-mourn and weep. Woe — when all people speak well (of) you" (Luke 6:24-26).
Jesus then added in Matthew 5: "Therefore, whoever breaks one (of) the least (of) these COMMANDMENTS and in-this-manner TEACHES people — he-will-be-called least in the kingdom (of) the heavens. But whoever does and TEACHES (them) — this (one) will-be-called great in the kingdom (of) the heavens" (Matthew 5:19).

Christ is the mediator of the new covenant.

Moses was the mediator of the old covenant.
Christ is the mediator of the new covenant.

After giving commandments in Exodus 20, Moses then referred to "BEHOLD the BLOOD (of) the COVENANT which God commanded to you" (Exodus 24:8). The old covenant was announced in the blood. 

After giving commandments in Matthew 5, Christ then referred to "THIS cup (is) THE NEW COVENANT in My BLOOD — the (blood) BEING-POURED-OUT FOR YOU" (Luke 22:20). The new covenant was announced in Christ's blood.

Peter, who was present when Christ spoke these words, wrote later to his audience: "YOU-WERE-REDEEMED from your futile way-of-life handed-down-from-your-fathers not (with) corruptible (things), silver or gold, but (with the) precious BLOOD (of) CHRIST" (1 Peter 1:18-19). People were now being redeemed with the blood of Christ (in which is the new covenant). They were in the new covenant which is in the blood of Christ. 

One can be put to death with reference to the law (linked to Moses) to come to a different One.

Paul wrote that Christ came under the law (given through Moses): "God sent-forth His SON, having-come from (a) woman, HAVING-COME UNDER (the) LAW" (Galatians 4:4). For someone to come UNDER the law would mean that the law would lord-OVER that one. When the law lords-OVER a person, that person has to keep it.

Paul wrote that the law (given through Moses) only lords OVER someone until that one dies: "THE LAW lords-OVER the person FOR AS-MUCH TIME AS HE-LIVES" (Romans 7:1).

Christ came "UNDER (the) LAW" (Galatians 4:4), so the LAW did lord-OVER Him as long as He lived, so as to keep it, which He did. Christ then later DIED on the cross. As a result, the LAW could not lord-OVER him anymore, for "THE LAW lords-OVER the person FOR AS-MUCH TIME AS HE-LIVES" (Romans 7:1).

When Christ DIED, the law of Moses (which was linked to THE OLD COVENANT) did not lord-OVER Him anymore, for "THE LAW lords-OVER the person FOR AS-MUCH TIME AS HE-LIVES" (Romans 7:1). When He was dying, Christ poured out His blood in which is THE NEW COVENANT, as He said about "THE NEW COVENANT in My BLOOD — the (blood) BEING-POURED-OUT FOR YOU" (Luke 22:20). Christ thus passed from the old covenant (linked to Moses), to the new covenant, by His death. And He passed from being under the law (linked to Moses), to not having the law lord-over Him anymore, by His death. 

Paul wrote that believers "DIED WITH Christ" (Romans 6:8), and so could come to a different One, Who is Christ, as it is written: "WE-WERE-BURIED-WITH Him through baptism INTO DEATH" (Romans 6:4) and so "YOU also WERE-PUT-TO-DEATH (with reference to) THE LAW THROUGH THE BODY (of) CHRIST so-that YOU (might) COME (to a) DIFFERENT (One) — (to) the (One) having-arisen from (the) dead" (Romans 7:4). 

Because the law lords-OVER someone only "FOR AS-MUCH TIME AS HE-LIVES" (Romans 7:1), after that one "DIED with Christ" (Romans 6:8), one can be found to not have the law (linked to Moses) lord over them anymore. 

Paul was not under the law of Moses anymore.

Paul wrote of "not being myself UNDER (THE) LAW" (1 Corinthians 9:20) that had to do with "THE JEWS" (1 Corinthians 9:20). 

Here "(THE) LAW" (1 Corinthians 9:20) that has to do with "THE JEWS" (1 Corinthians 9:20) would be THE LAW OF MOSES, as Jesus Himself said to "THE JEWS" (John 7:15): "Has not MOSES given YOU THE LAW?" (John 7:19) and mentioning then specifically "THE LAW OF MOSES" (John 7:23). 

Paul was not "UNDER (THE) LAW" (1 Corinthians 9:20) of Moses anymore, for this law to lord-over him so as for him to keep it. 

Paul was not without a law of God.

Paul said that he was "not being without(-the)-Law (of) God, but within(-the)-law (of) Christ" (1 Corinthians 9:21) in the new covenant.

Paul now would keep the commandments given by God through Christ, found within the law of Christ, for the new covenant.

Circumcision was a commandment found in the law of Moses in the old covenant, as it is written: "THE LORD SPOKE TO MOSES, SAYING, “SPEAK TO THE SONS OF ISRAEL, AND YOU WILL SAY TO THEM: ‘Whatever woman shall conceive and give birth to a male (child) will be unclean seven days, she will be unclean according to the days of separation for her menstruation. And on the eighth day she WILL CIRCUMCISE THE FLESH OF HIS FORESKIN" (Leviticus 12:1-3). 

Paul wrote about circumcision in the new covenant, saying: "Has anyone been-called in uncircumcision? Let-him NOT be-circumcisedCIRCUMCISION IS NOTHING and uncircumcision is nothing, BUT keeping (the) commandments (of) GOD" (1 Corinthians 7:18-19). 

Here someone not getting circumcised would still be "keeping (the) commandments (of) GOD" (1 Corinthians 7:19) as to get circumcised was not a commandment given in the law of God within the law of Christ for the new covenant.


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