Someone can grow in Christ

Someone can grow in Christ

Someone can grow in Christ

Paul wrote "(to) the church (of) God being in Corinth" (1 Corinthians 1:2) and he wrote to them: "I BEGOT you IN CHRIST Jesus through the good-news" (1 Corinthians 4:15). Paul mentioned how it is possible to be as "INFANTS IN CHRIST" (1 Corinthians 3:1).

Peter wrote that newborn babies in Christ can grow, as he wrote to "yearn like NEWBORN BABIES for the deceitless reasonable milk in-order-that by it YOU-MAY-GROW for (your) salvation" (1 Peter 2:2).

The goal is to not remain infants, but instead one can grow to attain the stature of a perfect (mature) one, as Paul wrote: "until we all attain to the unity (of) the faith and (of) the knowledge (of) the Son of God, TO (a) PERFECT man, to (the) measure (of the) stature (of) the fullness (of) Christ, so-that WE-MAY-BE NO-LONGER INFANTS" (Ephesians 4:13-14).

Paul was laboring so that he may present every person perfect (mature) in Christ, as he wrote about Christ "Whom we are-proclaiming, admonishing every person, and teaching every person with all wisdom, in-order-that WE-MAY-PRESENT every person PERFECT IN CHRIST, for which I also am-laboring" (Colossians 1:28-29).

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Can someone be described as PERFECT according to the Bible?:
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Someone can grow in their faith: 

Paul wrote: "your FAITH (is) GROWING" (2 Corinthians 10:15). 

Paul wrote: "your FAITH IS-GROWING-ABUNDANTLY" (2 Thessalonians 1:3).

Someone can grow in grace: 

Peter wrote: "BE-GROWING IN (the) GRACE and knowledge (of) our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18). 

Someone can grow in knowledge: 

Peter wrote: "BE-GROWING IN (the) grace and KNOWLEDGE (of) our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18). 

Paul wrote about "GROWING (in) the KNOWLEDGE (of) God" (Colossians 1:10).

Peter wrote: "in your faith supply virtue; and in (your) virtue, KNOWLEDGE; and in (your) KNOWLEDGE, inner-might; and in (your) inner-might, endurance; and in (your) endurance, well-worship; and in (your) well-worship, brotherly-love; and in (your) brotherly-love, love. FOR THESE (QUALITIES) being-present (in) you and INCREASING make (you) neither non-working nor unfruitful in the knowledge (of) our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 1:5-8).

Someone can grow in understanding: 

Paul wrote: "DO NOT BE CHILDREN (in your) UNDERSTANDING. But be-childlike (in) evilness, and BE PERFECT (in your) UNDERSTANDING" (1 Corinthians 14:20).

Someone can grow in wisdom: 

James wrote: "YOU-MAY-BE PERFECT and whole, LACKING IN NOTHINGAnd if any (of) you IS-LACKING WISDOM, let him be-asking from the God giving generously (to) all and not reproaching, and it-will-be-given (to) him" (James 1:4-5).

Someone can grow in love: 

Paul wrote: "the LOVE (of) each one (of) you all toward one-another IS-INCREASING" (2 Thessalonians 1:3).

Paul wrote: "may the Lord cause you TO-INCREASE and abound (in) LOVE for one-another and for everyone" (1 Thessalonians 3:12).

Peter wrote: "in your faith supply virtue; and in (your) virtue, knowledge; and in (your) knowledge, inner-might; and in (your) inner-might, endurance; and in (your) endurance, well-worship; and in (your) well-worship, BROTHERLY-LOVE; and in (your) BROTHERLY-LOVE, LOVEFOR THESE (QUALITIES) being-present (in) you and INCREASING make (you) neither non-working nor unfruitful in the knowledge (of) our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 1:5-8).

Someone can grow in fruits: 

Paul wrote "the (One) supplying seed (to) the (one) sowing, and bread for eating, will-supply and multiply your seed, and WILL-GROW the FRUITS (of) YOUR righteousness" (2 Corinthians 9:10).

Paul wrote: "I-am-seeking-for the FRUIT INCREASING to YOUR account" (Philippians 4:17).

Someone can grow in works: 

It is written in Revelation: "YOUR LAST WORKS (are) GREATER (than) the FIRST" (Revelation 2:19).

Someone can grow in virtue: 

Peter wrote: "in your faith supply VIRTUE; and in (your) VIRTUE, knowledge; and in (your) knowledge, inner-might; and in (your) inner-might, endurance; and in (your) endurance, well-worship; and in (your) well-worship, brotherly-love; and in (your) brotherly-love, loveFOR THESE (QUALITIES) being-present (in) you and INCREASING make (you) neither non-working nor unfruitful in the knowledge (of) our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 1:5-8).

Someone can grow in inner-might (self-control): 

Peter wrote: "in your faith supply virtue; and in (your) virtue, knowledge; and in (your) knowledge, INNER-MIGHT; and in (your) INNER-MIGHT, endurance; and in (your) endurance, well-worship; and in (your) well-worship, brotherly-love; and in (your) brotherly-love, loveFOR THESE (QUALITIES) being-present (in) you and INCREASING make (you) neither non-working nor unfruitful in the knowledge (of) our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 1:5-8).

Someone can grow in endurance: 

Peter wrote: "in your faith supply virtue; and in (your) virtue, knowledge; and in (your) knowledge, inner-might; and in (your) inner-might, ENDURANCE; and in (your) ENDURANCE, well-worship; and in (your) well-worship, brotherly-love; and in (your) brotherly-love, loveFOR THESE (QUALITIES) being-present (in) you and INCREASING make (you) neither non-working nor unfruitful in the knowledge (of) our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 1:5-8).

Someone can grow in well-worship (godliness): 

Peter wrote: "in your faith supply virtue; and in (your) virtue, knowledge; and in (your) knowledge, inner-might; and in (your) inner-might, endurance; and in (your) endurance, WELL-WORSHIP; and in (your) WELL-WORSHIPbrotherly-love; and in (your) brotherly-love, loveFOR THESE (QUALITIES) being-present (in) you and INCREASING make (you) neither non-working nor unfruitful in the knowledge (of) our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 1:5-8).


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