Examples of good works in the Bible

Examples of good works in the Bible

Below are some examples of GOOD WORKS in the Bible:

An example of GOOD WORK can be to have prepared the body of Jesus for His burial by pouring perfume upon His head, as it is written: "a woman came to-Him having (an) alabaster-jar (of) very-expensive PERFUME. And SHE-POURED-(IT)-DOWN UPON HIS HEAD (while He was) reclining-back (to eat). But having-seen (it), the disciples were-indignant, saying, “For what (purpose is) this waste? For this could have-been-sold (for) much and given (to) poor (ones)”. But having-known (it), Jesus said (to) them, “Why are-you-causing troubles (for) the woman? For SHE-WORKED (A) GOOD WORK for Me. For you always have the poor with you, but you-do not always have Me. For this (one) having-put this perfume on My body did (it) so-as to-prepare Me for burial" (Matthew 26:7-12).

An example of GOOD WORK can be to work the office of overseer, as Paul wrote: "if anyone aspires-to (THE) OFFICE-OF-OVERSEER, he-desires (a) GOOD WORK" (James 2:8-9).

Examples of GOOD WORKS can be to bring up children, to receive strangers, to wash the feet of the saints, to aid those who are afflicted, as Paul wrote about "(a) woman (of) one man, being-attested by GOOD WORKS: if SHE BROUGHT-UP CHILDREN, if SHE-RECEIVED-STRANGERS, if SHE-WASHED (THE) FEET (OF) HOLY (ONES), if SHE-AIDED (ONES) BEING-AFFLICTED" (1 Timothy 5:9-10).


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