Romans 9:21 - One vessel for honor and another for dishonor?

Does Romans 9:21 have conditions?

Romans 9:21: "Or does not the potter have authority (over) the clay to-make from the same lump one vessel for HONOR and another for DISHONOR?"

Similar language to Jeremiah 18 and condition:

Paul wrote about God: "does not the POTTER have authority (over) the CLAY to-make from the same lump one VESSEL for HONOR and another for DISHONOR?" (Romans 9:21). 

Paul used a similar language as a passage in Jeremiah 18 where a POTTER was making a VESSEL "as was acceptable before him to make (it)" (Jeremiah 18:4). Then, it is written that God said: "as this POTTER, I will be able to make you, O house of Israel, will I not? Behold, as the CLAY of the POTTER are you in My hands" (Jeremiah 18:6). Here the POTTER is God, and the CLAY is the House of Israel.

On the condition of listening to the voice of God, God will either make people a VESSEL of HONOR or of DISHONOR

Before deciding to make a VESSEL into a VESSEL for DISHONOR, for destruction, God will warn them so they can avoid it: "(if) I will pronounce an end upon a nation, or upon a kingdom, to drive them out, and to be destroying (them); AND THAT NATION SHALL BE TURNED FROM ALL THEIR EVIL (WAYS), then I will relent concerning the evil (things) which I considered to do to them" (Jeremiah 18:7-8). 

Before deciding to make a VESSEL into a VESSEL for HONOR, God may not do it if they shall do wicked things before Him: "(if) I will pronounce an end upon a nation and upon a kingdom to be rebuilding and to be planting (it); AND THEY SHALL DO THE WICKED (THINGS) BEFORE ME, TO NOT BE HEARING MY VOICE, then I will relent concerning the good (things) which I spoke to do to them" (Jeremiah 18:9-10).

Condition in 2 Timothy 2:

Paul wrote elsewhere that an individual can do things to be (made into) a VESSEL of HONOR: "“Let everyone naming the name (of the) Lord depart from unrighteousness”. Now in (a) large house there-are not only golden and silver VESSELS, but also wooden and made-of-clay — even some for HONOR and some for DISHONOR. IF THEN ONE CLEANSES HIMSELF FROM THESE (THINGS), he-will-be (a) VESSEL for HONOR — having-been-sanctified, useful (to) the Master, having-been-prepared for every good work" (2 Timothy 2:19-21). 

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