Matthew 25:1-13 - Not enough oil?

Does Matthew 25:1-13 have conditions?

Matthew 25:1: "“At-that-time, the kingdom (of) the heavens will-be-like ten virgins, who, having-taken their lamps, went-out to meet the bridegroom."

Matthew 25:2: "Now five of them were foolish, and five (were) wise."

Matthew 25:3: "For the foolish (ones), having-taken their lamps, did not take oil with them."

Matthew 25:4: "But the wise (ones) took oil in jars with their lamps."

Matthew 25:5: "And (while) the bridegroom (was) delaying, they all became-drowsy and were-sleeping."

Matthew 25:6: "And (in the) middle (of the) night, (a) shout has-come — ‘Behold, the bridegroom! Come-out to meet him!’"

Matthew 25:7: "Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps."

Matthew 25:8: "And the foolish (ones) said (to) the wise (ones), ‘Give us from your oil, because our lamps are-being-quenched’."

Matthew 25:9: "But the wise (ones) responded, saying, ‘There-will not by any means ever be-enough (for) us and (for) you. Go instead to the (ones) selling and buy (for) yourselves’."

Matthew 25:10: "And (while) they-(were)-going-away to-buy, the bridegroom came. And the prepared (ones) entered with him into the wedding-celebrations. And the door was-shut."

Matthew 25:11: "And later, the other virgins also come, saying, ‘Lord, lord, open (for) us’."

Matthew 25:12: "But the (one), having-responded, said, ‘Truly I-say (to) you, I-do not know you’."

Matthew 25:13: "Therefore, keep-watching, because you-do not know the day nor the hour."

Ten "virgins"?

Jesus said: "the kingdom (of) the heavens will-be-like ten VIRGINS, who, having-taken their lamps, went-out to meet the BRIDEGROOM" (Matthew 25:1).

Jesus said that the ten VIRGINS are all "VIRGINS [parthenos 3933 in Greek]" (Matthew 25:1).

Paul wrote "(to) the church (of) God being in Corinth" (2 Corinthians 1:1): "I-BETROTHED you (to) one husband, (that I might) present (you as a) pure VIRGIN [parthenos 3933 in Greek] (to) Christ" (2 Corinthians 11:2).

The "bridegroom"?

Jesus said: "the kingdom (of) the heavens will-be-like ten virgins, who, having-taken their lamps, went-out to meet the BRIDEGROOM" (Matthew 25:1).

The "BRIDEGROOM" (Matthew 25:1, Matthew 25:5, Matthew 25:6, Matthew 25:10) would represent Jesus. 

Jesus also referred to Himself as the "BRIDEGROOM" in the only other places in Matthew where the Greek word for "BRIDEGROOM" was used, after answering why His "disciples are not fasting" (Matthew 9:14): "the sons (of) the wedding-hall can not be-mourning as long-as the BRIDEGROOM is with them, (can they)? But days will-come when the BRIDEGROOM is-taken-away from them, and then they-will-fast" (Matthew 9:15)

Ten virgins, five "foolish" and five "wise"?

Jesus said: "the kingdom (of) the heavens will-be-like ten VIRGINS" (Matthew 25:1), "five of them were FOOLISH, and five (were) WISE" (Matthew 25:2).

Earlier in Matthew, Jesus already talked about people who are "FOOLISH [móros 3474 in Greek]" (Matthew 25:2) in contrast to people who are "WISE [phronimos 5429 in Greek]" (Matthew 25:2), saying: 

"everyone who hears these words (of) Mine AND IS-DOING THEM will-be-like (a) WISE [phronimos 5429 in Greek] man" (Matthew 7:24)


"everyone hearing these words (of) Mine AND NOT DOING THEM will-be-like (a) FOOLISH [móros 3474 in Greek] man" (Matthew 7:26).


Jesus said: "the foolish (ones), having-taken their lamps, did not take OIL with them. But the wise (ones) took OIL in jars with their lamps" (Matthew 25:3-4).

In the Bible "OIL [elaion 1637 in Greek]" (Matthew 25:3-4) can be associated with the Holy Spirit, as for example: "Samuel took the horn of OIL [elaion 1637 in Greek], and ANOINTED him in the midst of his brothers. And (THE) SPIRIT OF THE LORD leaped upon David from that day forward" (1 Samuel 16:13 (LXX)).

It is written in Acts about "Jesus from Nazareth — how God ANOINTED Him (WITH THE) HOLY SPIRIT" (Acts 10:38).

The foolish virgins having their lamps "quenched" because of not enough oil?

Jesus said: "the foolish (ones) said (to) the wise (ones), ‘Give us from your OIL, because our lamps ARE-BEING-QUENCHED" (Matthew 25:8).

The foolish virgins did not have enough "OIL" (Matthew 25:8) so that they said their lamps "ARE-BEING-QUENCHED" (Matthew 25:8)

Paul used the same Greek word for "ARE-BEING-QUENCHED [sbennumi 4570 in Greek]" (Matthew 25:8) to write in 1 Thessalonians 5: "Do not BE-QUENCHING [sbennumi 4570 in Greek] THE SPIRIT" (1 Thessalonians 5:19).


Paul used multiple similarities found in Matthew 25:1-13 in 1 Thessalonians 4-5, for example:


Matthew 25:5 & 1 Thessalonians 5:10:

Jesus said: "they all became-drowsy and WERE-SLEEPING [katheudó 2518 in Greek]" (Matthew 25:5).

Paul wrote: "whether we-are-keeping-watch or SLEEPING [katheudó 2518 in Greek]" (1 Thessalonians 5:10).


Matthew 25:6 & 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17:

Jesus said: "(a) SHOUT has-come — ‘Behold, the bridegroom! Come-out to MEET [apantésis 529 in Greek] him" (Matthew 25:6).

Paul wrote: "WE-SAY THIS (TO) YOU BY (THE) WORD (OF THE) LORD, that [...] the Lord Himself will-descend from heaven with (a) SHOUTED-COMMAND [...], the (ones) (left-)lacking will-be-snatched together with them in (the) clouds to MEET [apantésis 529 in Greek] the Lord" (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).

The Greek word for "MEET" [apantésis 529 in Greek] is only 1 time in all the gospels: only in Matthew 25:6, and only 1 time in all the epistles, only in 1 Thessalonians 4:17.


Matthew 25:8 & 1 Thessalonians 5:19:

Jesus said: "the foolish (ones) said (to) the wise (ones), ‘Give us from your oil, because our lamps ARE-BEING-QUENCHED [sbennumi 4570 in Greek]" (Matthew 25:8).

Paul wrote: "Do not BE-QUENCHING [sbennumi 4570 in Greek] the Spirit" (1 Thessalonians 5:19).


Matthew 25:13 & 1 Thessalonians 5:6:

Jesus said: "Therefore, KEEP-WATCHING [grégoreó 1127 in Greek]" (Matthew 25:13).

Paul wrote: "So then, [...] LET-US-BE-KEEPING-WATCH [grégoreó 1127 in Greek]" (1 Thessalonians 5:6).

The wise virgins having enough oil?

Jesus said: "the FOOLISH (ONES) said (to) the wise (ones), ‘Give us from your OIL, because our lamps are-being-quenched’. But the WISE (ONES) responded, saying, ‘There-will not by any means ever be-ENOUGH (for) us and (for) you" (Matthew 25:8-9).

Jesus would have said that in contrast to the "FOOLISH (ONES)" (Matthew 25:8) virgins who did not have enough "OIL" (Matthew 25:8), the "WISE (ONES)" (Matthew 25:9) virgins would have had "ENOUGH" (Matthew 25:9) OIL for themselves at least. 

Paul used similar themes and terms in Ephesians 5.

Paul wrote in Ephesians 5: "be-watching carefully how you-walk — not as unwise, but as WISE (ONES), redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Because-of this, do not be FOOLISH (ONES), but understand what the will (of) the Lord (is). And do not get-drunk (with) wine, in which is wild-living, but BE-FILLED WITH (THE) SPIRIT" (Ephesians 5:15-18).

Here the "WISE (ONES)" (Ephesians 5:15) are those who are "FILLED WITH (THE) SPIRIT" (Ephesians 5:18). They would have ENOUGH of THE HOLY SPIRIT


Paul used multiple similarities found in Matthew 25:1-13 in Ephesians 5, for example:


Matthew 25:5 & Ephesians 5:14:

Jesus said: "they all became-drowsy and WERE-SLEEPING [katheudó 2518 in Greek]" (Matthew 25:5).

Paul wrote: "Therefore he-says, “Awake, SLEEPING [katheudó 2518 in Greek] (one), and rise-up from the dead (ones)" (Ephesians 5:14).


Matthew 25:8 & Ephesians 5:17:

Jesus said: "the FOOLISH (ONES) said (to) the wise (ones), ‘Give us from your oil, because our lamps are-being-quenched’" (Matthew 25:8).

Paul wrote: "do not be FOOLISH (ONES), but understand what the will (of) the Lord (is)" (Ephesians 5:17).


Matthew 25:9 & Ephesians 5:15-18:

Jesus said: "Give us from your OIL [...]. But the WISE (ONES) responded, saying, ‘There-will not by any means ever be-ENOUGH (for) us and (for) you" (Matthew 25:9).

Paul wrote: "be-watching carefully how you-walk — not as unwise, but as WISE (ONES) [...] BE-FILLED WITH (THE) SPIRIT" (Ephesians 5:15-18).


Matthew 25:13 & Ephesians 5:15:

Jesus said: "THEREFOREKEEP-WATCHING" (Matthew 25:13).

Jesus said: "THEREFORE BE-WATCHING" (Ephesians 5:15).

Jesus does not eventually "know" the foolish virgins?

Jesus said: "the FOOLISH (ONES) said (to) the wise (ones), ‘Give us from your oil, because our lamps are-being-quenched’. But the WISE (ONES) responded, saying, ‘There-will not by any means ever be-enough (for) us and (for) you. Go instead to the (ones) selling and buy (for) yourselves’. And (while) they-(were)-going-away to-buy, the bridegroom came. And THE PREPARED (ONES) ENTERED with him into the wedding-celebrations. And the door was-shut. And later, THE OTHER VIRGINS also come, saying, ‘Lord, lord, open (for) us’. But THE (ONE), having-responded, SAID, ‘Truly I-say (to) you, I-DO NOT KNOW YOU" (Matthew 25:8-12).

Jesus eventually said to the "FOOLISH" (Matthew 25:8) "VIRGINS" (Matthew 25:11): "I-DO NOT KNOW YOU" (Matthew 25:12).

Jesus did not say that He never knew them, but that in the present tense at that moment He does not "KNOW" (Matthew 25:12) them.

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