John 6:40 - Conditional eternal life?

Does John 6:40 have conditions?

John 6:40: "For this is the will (of) My Father: that everyone SEEING the Son and BELIEVING into Him MAY-HAVE eternal life, and I will-raise him up in the last day”."

"Seeing" and "believing":

Jesus said: "everyone SEEING the Son and BELIEVING into Him may-have eternal life" (John 6:40).

On which condition one "may-have eternal life" (John 6:40)? On the conditions of "SEEING the Son and BELIEVING into Him" (John 6:40). 

Jesus said 4 verses earlier that it is for example possible for someone to have seen Him, but still not be BELIEVING, as Jesus said: "YOU-HAVE-SEEN Me, and you-are NOT BELIEVING" (John 6:36).

Someone does not BELIEVE automatically. 

For more information:
Does someone automatically believe?:

The Greek word "BELIEVING" is in the Present Active Participle, which refers to a present active event. If one is not "BELIEVING", that one would not meet the required condition anymore.

Is it possible at some point to not meet the condition of "BELIEVING" anymore? Yes, as Jesus also said for example that some people "ARE-BELIEVING for (a) time, and are-departing in (a) time (of) testing" (Luke 8:13).

For more information:
Luke 8:13 - Believing for a time?:

Someone does not CONTINUE to BELIEVE automatically. 

For more information:
Does faith automatically continue?:
Click here

"May-have" eternal life:

Jesus said that everyone SEEING the Son and BELIEVING into Him "MAY-HAVE eternal life" (John 6:40).

The Greek word "MAY-HAVE" is in the Subjunctive mood, which is the mood of possibility and potentiality, meaning that the action described may or may not occur, depending upon other conditions.

Conditions not met for eternal life anymore?:

If someone would not meet the conditions anymore to HAVE ETERNAL life, could that person still HAVE ETERNAL life? 

For further information, click on the following article:
Can something eternal not be applied to someone anymore?:
Click here

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