Luke 8:13 - Believing for a time?

Does Luke 8:13 have conditions?

Luke 8:13: "And the (people) on the bed-rock (are ones) who are-welcoming the word with joy when they-hear (it). And these do not have (a) root — (they are ones) who ARE-BELIEVING FOR (A) TIME, and are(-departing)-from-standing in (a) time (of) testing."

Believing for a time:

Jesus said that some people "ARE-BELIEVING FOR (A) TIME, and are(-departing)-from-standing in (a) time (of) testing" (Luke 8:13).

Someone does not BELIEVE automatically. 

For more information:
Does someone automatically believe?:

Someone does not CONTINUE to BELIEVE automatically. This can be why here it is possible that some "ARE-BELIEVING FOR (A) TIME, and are(-departing)-from-standing in (a) time (of) testing" (Luke 8:13).

For more information:
Does faith automatically continue?:
Click here

Welcoming the word with joy:

Jesus said that people of the second soil "ARE-WELCOMING [dechomai 1209 in Greek] THE WORD WITH JOY when they-hear (it)" (Luke 8:13). 

To "THE CHURCH (of the) Thessalonians" (1 Thessalonians 1:1), it was written: "you became imitators (of) us and (of) the Lord, HAVING-WELCOMED [dechomai 1209 in Greek] THE WORD in much affliction WITH (the) JOY (OF THE) HOLY SPIRIT" (1 Thessalonians 1:6).

Hearing the word and believing:

Jesus said that people of the second soil "are-welcoming THE WORD with joy when THEY-HEAR (it)" (Luke 8:13) and "ARE-BELIEVING" (Luke 8:13). 

It is written in Acts: "many of the (ones) HAVING-HEARD THE WORD BELIEVED. And the number (of) the men became about five thousand" (Acts 4:4).

Having eternal life?

Jesus said that people of the second soil "are-welcoming the WORD with joy when THEY-HEAR (it)" (Luke 8:13) and "ARE-BELIEVING" (Luke 8:13). 

Jesus said: "the (one) HEARING My WORD and BELIEVING the (One) having-sent Me HAS ETERNAL LIFE" (John 5:24). 


In the people of the first soil, "the devil comes and takes-away the word from their heart in-order-that THEY-MAY not BE-SAVED, HAVING-BELIEVED" (Luke 8:12). 

But the ones in the second soil were people "HAVING-BELIEVED" (Luke 8:12), as it is written that "(they are ones) who ARE-BELIEVING" (Luke 8:13). Thus they may "BE-SAVEDHAVING-BELIEVED" (Luke 8:12). 

New converts?:

Jesus said about people of the second soil: "other (seed) fell-down on the bed-rock. And HAVING-SPRUNG(-UP), it-was-dried-up because-of not having moisture" (Luke 8:6).

These ones "HAVING-SPRUNG(-UP)" (Luke 8:6) would have been new converts.

For example, Paul wrote that "the overseer" (1 Timothy 3:2) should be "not (a) NEW-SPROUT" (1 Timothy 3:6), which can sometimes be translated as not a new convert. 

The Greek word for "NEW-SPROUT" [neophutos 3504 in Greek, adjective] used in 1 Timothy 3:6 comes from "new" (neos 3501 in Greek, adjective) and a derivative of "TO-SPRING" [phuó 5453 in Greek, verb], which is used in Luke 8 to describe those "HAVING-SPRUNG(-UP) [phuó 5453 in Greek, verb]" (Luke 8:6).

Did not abide in Christ?:

Jesus said that people of the second soil "because-of not having (a) root, THEY-WERE-DRIED-UP [xérainо́ 3583 in Greek]" (Matthew 13:6). 

Jesus said in John: "IF ANYONE MAY NOT BE-ABIDING IN ME — he-is-thrown outside like the branch, and IS-DRIED-UP [xérainо́ 3583 in Greek]" (John 15:6).

Being IN CHRIST is conditional.

For more information:
Is being "in Christ" conditional?:
Click here

Departing in a time of testing?:

Jesus said that people of the second soil "ARE-BELIEVING FOR (A) TIME, and ARE(-DEPARTING)-FROM-STANDING [aphistémi 868 in Greek] in (a) time (of) TESTING [peirasmos 3986 in Greek]" (Luke 8:13). 

It is written in Hebrews: "Today, if you-hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion during the day (of) TESTING [peirasmos 3986 in Greek] in the wilderness" (Hebrews 3:7-8), and so "Be-watching-out, BROTHERS, so that there-will not-ever be IN ANY (OF) YOU (an) evil heart (of) UNBELIEF in (DEPARTING)-FROM-STANDING [aphistémi 868 in Greek] FROM (THE) LIVING GOD" (Hebrews 3:12).

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