Are fruits automatically produced?

Are fruits automatically produced?

FRUITS are not automatically produced:

FRUITS usually would come as a reward after that someone did the necessary WORKS
For example, it is written about the "FRUIT of Your WORKS" (Psalms 104:13).

WORKS (such as good WORKS) are not automatically done

For more information:
Are good works automatically produced?:
Click here

FRUITS are not automatically produced even if someone is likened to a tree. 

Jesus said: "every good tree produces good FRUIT, but the bad tree produces bad FRUIT" (Matthew 7:17). Jesus did not mean to say that a good tree will necessarily automatically produce good FRUIT, but Jesus was simply contrasting a good tree and a bad tree and meant to say that a good tree is not able to produce bad FRUIT, as Jesus said one verse later: "(A) good tree is not able to-produce bad FRUIT, nor (is a) bad tree (able) to-produce good FRUIT" (Matthew 7:18). Jesus said that it is possible to "make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad" (Matthew 12:33).

It is possible for a tree to be unfruitful, that is, to produce no FRUIT at all. Jesus found a fig tree in which there was no FRUIT at all on it: "having-seen from (a) distance (a) fig-tree having leaves, He-went (to see) if perhaps He-would-find anything on it. And having-come to it, He-found nothing except leaves — for it-was not the season (for) figs" (Mark 11:13-14). 

FRUITS are not automatically produced even if someone is chosen by Jesus and appointed to go and bear FRUIT

Jesus said to His disciples: "You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you, in-order-that you may-go and MAY-BEAR FRUIT" (John 15:16). Jesus did not say that He chose them and appointed them in order that they "will" bear FRUIT, but Jesus said that He chose them and appointed them in order that they "MAY-BEAR FRUIT" (John 15:16). The Greek word for "MAY-BEAR" (John 15:16) is in the Subjunctive mood, which is the mood of possibility and potentiality, meaning that the action described may or may not occur, depending upon other conditions. 

FRUITS are not automatically produced after someone repents.

John the Baptist commanded: "Therefore PRODUCE FRUIT worthy (of) repentance" (Matthew 3:8). The Greek word for "PRODUCE" (Matthew 3:8) is in the imperative mood, which expresses a command to the hearer to perform something by the order and authority of the one commanding. The indicative mood in the Greek was not used there, which would simply have been a description of something happening (in this case as a consequence following from "repentance").

FRUITS are not automatically produced after someone has obtained faith.

Peter wrote "(to) the (ones) having-obtained an equally-precious faith (with) us" (2 Peter 1:1), and wrote to them to supply in their faith qualities so that they will not be unfruitful if these qualities are present and increasing: "having-applied all diligence — in your faith supply virtue; and in (your) virtue, knowledge; and in (your) knowledge, self-control; and in (your) self-control, endurance; and in (your) endurance, godliness; and in (your) godliness, brotherly-love; and in (your) brotherly-love, love. For these (qualities) being-present (in) you and increasing make (you) neither non-working nor UNFRUITFUL in the knowledge (of) our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 1:5-8). This would imply that if these qualities are not present and increasing, then someone who had obtained faith could be made "UNFRUITFUL in the knowledge (of) our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 1:8).

The FRUIT of the Spirit would not automatically be produced.

Paul wrote that "LOVE" (Galatians 5:22), "PEACE" (Galatians 5:22) and "FAITH" (Galatians 5:22) are part of "the FRUIT (of) the SPIRIT" (Galatians 5:22).

Paul also commanded elsewhere to "BE-PURSUING righteousness, FAITH, LOVE, PEACE" (2 Timothy 2:22).

For more information:
Galatians 5:22-23 - Fruit of the Holy Spirit?:
Click here

FRUITS would not automatically be produced if someone is in Christ.

Jesus said that it is possible for a branch in Him to not bear FRUIT, as He said: "My Father is the farmer. Every branch in Me not bearing FRUIT — He-takes it away" (John 15:1-2). 

Bearing FRUIT in Christ would be conditional upon abiding in Christ, as Jesus said: "The (one) abiding in Me and I in him — this (one) bears much FRUIT. Because apart-from Me, you-can do nothing" (John 15:5), and in contrast: "If anyone is not abiding in Me — he-is-thrown outside like the branch, and is-dried-up. And they-gather them together, and throw (them) into the fire. And they-are-burned" (John 15:6).

Abiding in Christ is conditional. 
For more information:
John 15:4 - Abide in Christ?:
Click here


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