Does someone automatically continue in holiness?

Does someone automatically continue in holiness?

Holiness can be described in the past tense, and in the present tense. Holiness can also be described as a reality that can be continued in by someone.

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Because holiness can be described as a reality that can be continued in by someone, a question could be: does someone automatically continue in holiness?

Someone does not automatically continue in HOLINESS


It is written in Hebrews to BE-PURSUING HOLINESS: "BE-PURSUING peace with all (people), and the HOLINESS without which no-one will-see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:14). 

The Greek verb for "BE-PURSUING" (Hebrews 12:14) is in the imperative mood, which expresses a command to the hearer to perform something by the order and authority of the one commanding. The author of Hebrews did not use the indicative mood in the Greek, which would simply have been a statement of fact that would have described something merely happening. 

It is written in Hebrews that sharing in the HOLINESS of God can happen when God DISCIPLINES us: "IF you-are without DISCIPLINE [paideia 3809 in Greek], (of) which all have-become partakers, then you-are illegitimate (children) and not sons. Furthermore, we-had fathers (of) our flesh (as) discipliners and were-respecting (them) — but shall-we not much more be-subject (to) the Father (of our) spirits and live? For the (ones) WERE-DISCIPLINING (us) for (a) few days according-to the (thing) seeming (good to) them; but the (One does so) for (our) benefit, SO THAT (WE MAY) SHARE-IN HIS HOLINESS" (Hebrews 12:8-10). It is possible to for one to reject the DISCIPLINE of the LORD, as it is written in Jeremiah: "you DID NOT RECEIVE DISCIPLINE [paideia 3809 in Greek]" (Jeremiah 2:30) and "they DID NOT DESIRE TO RECEIVE DISCIPLINE [paideia 3809 in Greek]; they made their faces harder than rock; and they did not desire to be returned" (Jeremiah 5:3).


Paul wrote to PRESENT your body-parts as slaves to righteousness leading to HOLINESS: "just-as you-presented your body-parts (as) slaves (to) impurity and lawlessness (leading) to lawlessness, so NOW PRESENT your body-parts (as) slaves (to) righteousness (LEADING) TO HOLINESS" (Romans 6:19). 

The Greek verb for "PRESENT" (Romans 6:19) is in the imperative mood, which expresses a command to the hearer to perform something by the order and authority of the one commanding. Paul did not use the indicative mood in the Greek, which would simply have been a statement of fact that would have described something merely happening. 


The Greek word for "HOLINESS" (hagiasmos 38 in Greek, noun) comes from "to-make-holy" (hagiazó 37 in Greek, verb), which comes from "HOLY" (hagios 40 in Greek, adjective).

Peter wrote to BE HOLY: "in-accordance-with the holy (One) having-called you — BE HOLY (hagioi 40 in Greek) yourselves also in all (your) conduct" (1 Peter 1:15). 

The Greek verb in "BE HOLY" (1 Peter 1:15) is in the imperative mood, which expresses a command to the hearer to perform something by the order and authority of the one commanding. Peter did not use the indicative mood in the Greek, which would simply have been a statement of fact that would have described something merely happening. 

This conditional continuance of HOLINESS can explain why Paul used the conditional particle "IF" when he wrote: "she-will-be-saved [...], IF THEY-MAY-HAVE-CONTINUED IN faith and love and HOLINESS with sound-mindedness" (1 Timothy 2:15). 
The conditional particle "IF" is used to describe "IF THEY-MAY-HAVE-CONTINUED IN faith and love and HOLINESS" (1 Timothy 2:15), indicating that continuing in HOLINESS would be conditional. 



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