Holiness can be described in the past and present tense

Holiness can be described in the past and present tense

Holiness can be described for example as a past reality, but also as a present reality.

The AORIST (indicative) can be used as a tense (in ancient Greek manuscripts) to describe holiness as a past reality, as for example Paul wrote: "YOU-WERE-MADE-HOLY, but you-were-declared-righteous in the name (of) the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit (of) our God" (1 Corinthians 6:11).

It is written in Hebrews about "the (one) having-trampled-underfoot the Son (of) God, and having-regarded (as) defiled the blood (of) the covenant by which HE-WAS-MADE-HOLY" (Hebrews 10:29).

The PERFECT tense can be used (in ancient Greek manuscripts) to describe holiness as a past reality, as for example Paul wrote: "(to) the church (of) God being in Corinth, (to ones) HAVING-BEEN-MADE-HOLY in Christ Jesus" (1 Corinthians 1:2). 

It is written in Hebrews: "we-have BEEN-MADE-HOLY through the offering (of) the body (of) Jesus Christ once-for-all" (Hebrews 10:10).

The PRESENT can be used as a tense (in ancient Greek manuscripts) to describe holiness as a present reality, as for example it is written in Hebrews: "both the (One) MAKING-HOLY and the (ones) BEING-MADE-HOLY (are) all from one, for which reason He-is not ashamed to-be-calling them brothers" (Hebrews 2:11).

It is written in Hebrews: "(by) one offering He-has-perfected for all-time the (ones) BEING-MADE-HOLY" (Hebrews 10:14).

Paul wrote that HOLINESS can be something that can be continued in: "she-will-be-saved through The Childbearing, if THEY-MAY-HAVE-CONTINUED in faith and love and HOLINESS" (1 Timothy 2:15). 

HOLINESS can be a reality that can be said that "THEY-MAY-HAVE-CONTINUED in" (1 Timothy 2:15), which implies that HOLINESS is something that can be CONTINUED in by someone, in opposition to HOLINESS being merely a single event in the past having no more continuance afterward for someone to CONTINUE in. 

Paul wrote: "Now may the God (of) peace Himself MAKE you HOLY completely" (1 Thessalonians 5:23). This would indicate that Paul did not already expect that his audience already have been MADE HOLY completely yet.


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