What can "repentance" mean?

What can "repentance" mean?

Repentance can mean a change of understanding (with the heart) from one subject toward another.

Repentance can be from a subject and toward a subject. 

Repentance can be from a subject, as for example: "REPENTANCE FROM dead works" (Hebrews 6:1). 

Repentance can be toward a subject, as for example: "REPENTANCE TOWARD God" (Acts 20:21).

This implies that there can be a change FROM one subject TOWARD another.

Repentance can be linked with understanding.

The Greek word for "REPENTANCE" (metanoia 3341 in Greek, noun) comes from the Greek word for "TO-REPENT" (metanoeó 3340 in Greek, verb).

The Greek word for "TO-REPENT" (metanoeó 3340 in Greek, verb) comes from the Greek word for "with" (meta 3326 in Greek, preposition) and the Greek word for "to-understand" (noeó 3539 in Greek, verb). It can be implied that "TO-REPENT" can mean that someone comes to be with understanding, that there is an inner change of UNDERSTANDING

Repentance can be linked with the heart. 

Paul wrote about people's "UNREPENTANT HEART" (Romains 2:5). This can imply that REPENTANCE can be directly linked with the HEART. This is consistent with the fact that "TO UNDERSTAND" can also happen with the HEART, as it is written that people can "UNDERSTAND (with their) HEART" (John 12:40).

To REPENT and to UNDERSTAND with the heart could be used interchangeably.
For example:

It is written in Acts: "REPENT AND TURN to God" (Acts 26:20).

It is written in Acts: "REPENT AND TURN so-that your sins (may) be-wiped-out" (Acts 3:19).

It is written in John that people "may (not) UNDERSTAND (with their) HEART, AND may (not) BE-TURNED, and I-will-heal them" (John 12:40).

To "repent" is not the same as to "grieve" in accordance with God. 

It is written: "the GRIEF in-accordance-with God WORKS unregretted REPENTANCE" (2 Corinthians 7:10). If GRIEF (in accordance with God) WORKS REPENTANCE, then GRIEF can be something happening prior to REPENTANCE, as GRIEF can here be a precondition for REPENTANCE to be WORKED.

If someone is grieving (in accordance with God) for their sins, such grief can work a change of understanding (in the heart of that person) from sin toward God. 

To "repent" is not the same as to "turn". 

It is written in Acts: "REPENT AND TURN" (Acts 3:19). The words for "REPENT" & "TURN" are separated by the conjunction "AND". 
It is not written to "REPENT so that you will TURN", but it is written to "REPENT AND TURN" (Acts 3:19). 
Furthermore the Greek word for "REPENT" (Acts 3:19) and the Greek word for "TURN" (Acts 3:19) are both in the imperative mood, which expresses a command to the hearer to perform something by the order and authority of the one commanding. Two things were commanded to the ones hearing Him, not just one thing. 

If someone is changing their understanding (in their heart) from sin toward God, this could then give the possibility for such a person to turn from sin toward God (which would be a work that they do). 

The way that one can turn can be by doing works worthy of repentance, as Paul said: "TURN to God, doing works worthy (of) repentance" (Acts 26:20).

To "repent" is not the same as to "do works worthy of repentance". 

Paul said: "REPENT AND turn to God, DOING WORKS WORTHY (of) REPENTANCE" (Acts 26:20). To "REPENT" & to be "DOING WORKS WORTHY (of) REPENTANCE" are separated by the conjunction "AND". For one to be doing WORKS WORTHY OF REPENTANCE, one would first need to have REPENTANCE (to then be able to do works worthy of it). 

If someone is changing their understanding (in their heart) from sin toward God, this could then give the possibility for such a person to do works worthy of that change of understanding.

To "repent" is not the same as to "produce fruits worthy of repentance". 

John the baptist mentioned "REPENTANCE" (Luke 3:3) and mentioned to "produce FRUITS WORTHY OF REPENTANCE" (Luke 3:8). For one to be producing FRUITS WORTHY OF REPENTANCE, one would first need to have REPENTANCE (to then be able to produce fruits worthy of it). 

If someone is changing their understanding (in their heart) from sin toward God, this could then give the possibility for such a person to produce fruits worthy of that change of understanding.


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