Descriptions of a righteous person

Descriptions of a righteous person

People can be described as "righteous": 

There are examples in the Bible of people who were described as "righteous". For example:

"NOAH was a RIGHTEOUS [dikaios 1342 in Greek] man" (Genesis 6:9).

"There was a certain man in (the) land of Uz, whose name (was) JOB. And that man was true, blameless, RIGHTEOUS [dikaios 1342 in Greek]" (Job 1:1).

"JOSEPH her husband, being RIGHTEOUS [dikaios 1342 in Greek]" (Matthew 1:19).

"Herod was-fearing JOHN, knowing (that) he (was a) RIGHTEOUS [dikaios 1342 in Greek] and holy man" (Mark 6:20).

"There-was (a) certain priest — ZECHARIAH (by) name, from (the) division (of) Abijah — and (a) wife (for) him from the daughters (of) Aaron. And her name (was) ELIZABETH. And they-were both RIGHTEOUS [dikaios 1342 in Greek] (ones) in-the-sight-of God" (Luke 1:5-6).

"He-delivered LOT, (a) RIGHTEOUS [dikaios 1342 in Greek] (one)" (2 Peter 2:7).

Jesus said about the "Father in (the) heavens" (Matthew 5:45) that "He-sends-rain upon RIGHTEOUS [dikaios 1342 in Greek] (ones) and unrighteous (ones)" (Matthew 5:45).

Someone righteous can be described as having no need of repentance

Jesus described righteous ones as having no need of repentance: "there-will-be joy in heaven over one SINNING (one) REPENTING (more) than over ninety nine RIGHTEOUS (ones) who HAVE NO NEED (of) REPENTANCE" (Luke 15:7). 

This may describe having no need of repentance from sin specifically (as opposed to the sinning one who would need to repent from sin). 

For more information on how repentance can be from sin:
Repentance from what?:
Click here

Someone righteous can be comparable to someone healthy

Jesus would have described the "RIGHTEOUS (ONES)" (Luke 5:32) as comparable to "(ONES) BEING-HEALTHY" (Luke 5:31).
It is written: "the Pharisees and their scribes were-grumbling to His disciples, saying, “For what reason are-you-eating and drinking with the tax collectors and SINNING (ONES)?” And having-responded, Jesus said to them, “THE (ONES) BEING-HEALTHY have no need (of a) physician, BUT THE (ONES) BEING ILLI-have not come to-call RIGHTEOUS (ONES) to repentance, BUT SINNING (ONES)" (Luke 5:30-32).

Someone righteous may be described as being righteous inside

Jesus described people that may appear righteous outside, but full of lawlessness inside, implying that they would only appear righteous but not actually be righteous inside, as He said: "Woe (to) you, scribes and Pharisees" (Matthew 23:27) "you OUTSIDE APPEAR RIGHTEOUS (to) people — BUT INSIDE YOU-ARE FULL (OF) HYPOCRISY AND LAWLESSNESS" (Matthew 23:28). 

Because lawlessness can be sin, these people may still have sin in them, and thus still be described as sinning ones (sinners) as opposed to be described as actually righteous.

For more information on how lawlessness can be sin:
What is sin?:
Click here

Someone righteous can be described as doing righteousness

It is written in 1 John that the one doing righteousness is righteous: "Little-children, let no one be-deceiving you — THE (ONE) DOING RIGHTEOUSNESS IS RIGHTEOUS, just-as that (One) is righteous" (1 John 3:7).

It is written in 1 John that the one doing righteousness is righteous: "let the RIGHTEOUS (one) STILL DO RIGHTEOUSNESS" (Revelation 22:11).

Someone righteous can be described to be directly in opposition with someone doing unrighteousness

It is written in 1 John that the one doing righteousness is righteous: "Let the (one) DOING-UNRIGHTEOUSNESS still do-unrighteousness. And let the filthy (one) still be-filthy. And let the RIGHTEOUS (one) still do righteousness" (Revelation 22:11).

Someone righteous can be described to be indirectly in opposition with someone doing evil things 

Peter described a righteous one in opposition with other people, writing: "(the) eyes (of the) Lord (are) upon (the) RIGHTEOUS, and His ears (are open) to their prayer. BUT (the) face (of the) Lord (is) against (ONES) DOING EVIL (THINGS)" (1 Peter 3:12).

Someone righteous can be described to be indirectly in opposition to all kinds of people

Paul described a righteous one in opposition with other people, writing: "that law is not laid-down (for a) RIGHTEOUS (one) BUT (for) LAWLESS (ones) and REBELLIOUS (ones), NON-WORSHIPPING (ones) and SINNING (ones)UNHOLY (ones) and PROFANE (ones), FATHER-THRASHERS and MOTHER-THRASHERS, MAN-SLAYERS, SEXUALLY-IMMORAL (ones), (HOMOSEXUAL-)MALE-BED(ERS), SLAVE-TRADERS, LIARS, PERJURERS, and if any other (thing) is-contrary (to) healthy teaching in-accordance-with the good-news (of) the glory (of) the blessed God" (1 Timothy 1:9).

Someone righteous can be described to be directly in opposition with someone unrighteous

Jesus said about the "Father in (the) heavens" (Matthew 5:45) that "He-sends-rain upon RIGHTEOUS (ones) and UNRIGHTEOUS (ones)" (Matthew 5:45).

Paul said that there is "(a) resurrection, both RIGHTEOUS (ones) and UNRIGHTEOUS (ones)" (Acts 24:15).

Someone righteous can be described to be indirectly in opposition with a sinning person (sinner) 

In the Bible, someone who is righteous can be described as being indirectly in opposition to someone who is a sinning person (sinner). For example:


Jesus said: "I-did not come to-call RIGHTEOUS (ones), BUT SINNING (ones)" (Matthew 9:13). 

Jesus said: "there-will-be joy in heaven over one SINNING (one) REPENTING (more) than over ninety nine RIGHTEOUS (ones) who HAVE NO NEED (of) REPENTANCE" (Luke 15:7).


It is written in 1 Timothy "that law is not laid-down (for a) RIGHTEOUS (one) BUT (for) lawless (ones) and rebellious (ones), non-worshiping (ones) and SINNING (ones)" (1 Timothy 1:9).


It is written in 1 Peter: "if the RIGHTEOUS (one) is-being-saved with-difficulty, where will the non-worshiping and SINNING (ones) appear?" (1 Peter 4:18).

For more information on how a "SINNING (one)" (sinner) can be described in the Bible:
Descriptions of a sinning person (sinner):
Click here

Someone righteous can be described to be indirectly in opposition with a non-worshipping one

In the Bible, someone who is righteous can be described as being indirectly in opposition to someone who is a non-worshipping one. For example:


It is written in 1 Timothy "that law is not laid-down (for a) RIGHTEOUS (one) BUT (for) lawless (ones) and rebellious (ones), NON-WORSHIPPING (ones) and sinning (ones)" (1 Timothy 1:9).


It is written in 1 Peter: "if the RIGHTEOUS (one) is-being-saved with-difficulty, where will the NON-WORSHIPPING and sinning (ones) appear?" (1 Peter 4:18).


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