Descriptions of a sinning person (sinner)

Descriptions of a sinning person (sinner)

A "sinning" person (sinner) could simply describe a person who is sinning? 

The Greek ADJECTIVE "hamartо́los" [268 in Greek] may sometimes be found to be translated in English as "SINNER". The English word "SINNER" may not be totally accurate because it is an English NOUN (contrary to the Greek ADJECTIVE that it is supposed to represent). Perhaps the most straightforward way to translate that Greek ADJECTIVE may be "SINNING", which can be an English ADJECTIVE attached to another word, as for example: "(a) SINNING (person)". 

This Greek ADJECTIVE "hamartо́los" [268 in Greek] which may be translated as "SINNING" comes from the VERB for "to-sin" [hamartanо́ 264 in Greek]. This ADJECTIVE could describe a subject who is "sinning". 

A sinning person (sinner) can describe someone who sinning (by missing the aim): 

The verb for "to-sin" can mean "to miss the aim".
For more information:
What can "to sin" mean?:
Click here

Paul wrote for example about "Hymenaeus and Philetus, who MISSED-THE-AIM [astocheó 795 in Greek] WITH-REGARD-TO THE TRUTH" (2 Timothy 2:17-18). James wrote about someone similar who "ERRS FROM THE TRUTH" (James 5:19), describing such a one specifically as a "(a) SINNING (one)" (James 5:19), as he wrote: "if ANYONE among you ERRS FROM THE TRUTH and someone TURNS HIM BACK, let-him-know that the (one) HAVING-TURNED-BACK (a) SINNING (one) from (the) error (of) his way will-save his soul out-of death" (James 5:19-20).

A sinning person (sinner) can describe someone having a need of repentance

Jesus described sinning ones (sinners) as having a need of repentance: "there-will-be joy in heaven over one SINNING (one) REPENTING (more) than over ninety nine RIGHTEOUS (ones) who HAVE NO NEED (of) REPENTANCE" (Luke 15:7). 

This may describe having a need of repentance from sin specifically. 

For more information on how repentance can be from sin:
Repentance from what?:
Click here

sinning person (sinner) can be comparable to someone lost in the way

A "SINNING (one)" (Luke 15:7) can be comparable to a "LOST sheep" (Luke 15:6). 

Jesus said: "What man from (among) you having (a) hundred sheep and HAVING-LOST ONE of them, does not leave-behind THE NINETY NINE in the wilderness and proceed after the (one) having-become-lost until he-finds it? And having-found (it), he-puts (it) on his shoulders, rejoicing. And having-come to the house, he-calls-together (his) friends and neighbors, saying (to) them, ‘REJOICE-with me, because I-found my LOST sheep!’ I-say (to) you that in-this-manner there-will-be JOY in heaven over ONE SINNING (one) repenting (more) than over NINETY NINE RIGHTEOUS (ones) who have no need (of) repentance" (Luke 15:4-7). 

A "SINNING (one)" (James 5:19) can describe someone who "ERRS" (James 5:19) in "(the) ERROR (of) his WAY" (James 5:20).

James wrote: "My brothers, if anyone among you ERRS from the truth and someone turns him back, let-him-know that the (one) having-turned-back (a) SINNING (one) from (the) ERROR (of) his WAY will-save his soul out-of death" (James 5:19-20).

sinning person (sinner) can be comparable to someone being ill

"SINNING (ONES)" (Luke 5:30, Luke 5:32) can be comparable to "(ONES) BEING ILL" (Luke 5:31).

It is written: "the Pharisees and their scribes were-grumbling to His disciples, saying, “For what reason are-you-eating and drinking with the tax collectors and SINNING (ONES)?” And having-responded, Jesus said to them, “THE (ONES) BEING-HEALTHY have no need (of a) physician, BUT THE (ONES) BEING ILLI-have not come to-call RIGHTEOUS (ONES) to repentance, BUT SINNING (ONES)" (Luke 5:30-32).

sinning person (sinner) can be described to be indirectly in opposition with someone who is worshipping God

In the Bible, a sinning person (sinner) can be described as being indirectly in opposition to someone who is worshipping God. For example:

It is written: "We-know that God does not hear SINNING (ones)BUT if anyone is (a) GOD-WORSHIPPING (ONE), and is-doing His will — He-hears this (one)" (John 9:31).

sinning person (sinner) can be described to be indirectly in opposition with someone who is doing the will of God

In the Bible, a sinning person (sinner) can be described as being indirectly in opposition to someone who is doing the will of God. For example:

It is written: "We-know that God does not hear SINNING (ones)BUT if anyone is (a) God-worshiping (one), and IS-DOING HIS WILL — He-hears this (one)" (John 9:31).

sinning person (sinner) can be described to be indirectly in opposition with someone righteous

In the Bible, a sinning person (sinner) can be described as being indirectly in opposition to someone who is righteous. For example:


Jesus said: "I-did not come to-call RIGHTEOUS (ones), BUT SINNING (ones)" (Matthew 9:13). 

Jesus said: "there-will-be joy in heaven over one SINNING (one) REPENTING (more) than over ninety nine RIGHTEOUS (ones) who HAVE NO NEED (of) REPENTANCE" (Luke 15:7).


It is written in 1 Timothy "that law is not laid-down (for a) RIGHTEOUS (one) BUT (for) lawless (ones) and rebellious (ones), non-worshiping (ones) and SINNING (ones)" (1 Timothy 1:9).


It is written in 1 Peter: "if the RIGHTEOUS (one) is-being-saved with-difficulty, where will the non-worshiping and SINNING (ones) appear?" (1 Peter 4:18).

For more information on how a "RIGHTEOUS" person can be described in the Bible:
Descriptions of a righteous person:
Click here


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