Is being "in Christ" conditional?

Is being "in Christ" conditional?

Several things can be "in Christ"

Several things can be "IN CHRIST". For example:

"SALVATION IN CHRIST" (2 Timothy 2:10).



"NO CONDEMNATION (for) the (ones) IN CHRIST" (Romans 8:1).

Being "in Christ" is conditional

Paul wrote, using the conditional particle "IF": "IF anyone (is) IN CHRIST" (2 Corinthians 5:17).

There could be a time when someone was not "IN CHRIST", as for example it is written that some people were "IN CHRIST" (Romans 16:7) before someone else: "greet Andronicus and Junias, my kinsmen and my fellow-captives, who are notable among the apostles, who also WERE IN CHRIST BEFORE ME" (Romans 16:7).

Someone "IN CHRIST" can end up being TAKEN AWAY by the Father from being "IN CHRIST", as Christ said: "I am the grapevine, YOU (ARE) THE BRANCHES" (John 15:5), "My Father is the land-worker. Every BRANCH IN ME not bearing fruit — HE-TAKES IT AWAY" (John 15:1-2). 

What can be conditions to remain "in Christ"?

Condition of bearing fruit: 

Christ indicated that BEARING FRUIT is a condition to not be taken away from being IN HIM, as He said: "I am the grapevine, you (are) the branches" (John 15:5), "Every branch IN ME NOT BEARING FRUIT — He-takes it away" (John 15:2). 

BEARING FRUIT is not automatic. 
For more information:
Are fruits automatically produced?:
Click here

Time may be allowed for someone to meet the conditions to remain "in Christ"

Condition of bearing fruit: 

A condition to remain "IN CHRIST" is to be "BEARING FRUIT" (John 15:4). Time may be allowed to end up "BEARING FRUIT". 

In principle, God can allow time for someone to bear fruit, as for example Jesus gave the following parable: "He-was-telling this parable — “(A) certain (one) had (a) fig-tree having-been-planted in his vineyard. And he-came SEEKING FRUIT on it, AND DID NOT FIND (IT). And he-said to the vine-worker, ‘Behold — (IT IS) THREE YEARS from which (time) I-am-coming seeking fruit on this fig-tree, AND I-AM NOT FINDING (IT). Therefore, cut it down! Why is-it even rendering-not-working the soil?’ But the (one), having-responded, says (to) him, ‘lord, LEAVE IT ALSO THIS YEAR, until I-dig around it and throw manure. AND-IF IT-PRODUCES FRUIT IN THE FUTURE — OTHERWISE INDEED, CUT IT DOWN’”" (Luke 13:6-9).

Can someone who ends up being taken away from being "in Christ" be grafted in again?

Jesus said: "I am the grapevine, you (are) the BRANCHES" (John 15:5), "MY FATHER is the land-worker. Every BRANCH IN ME not bearing fruit — HE-TAKES IT AWAY" (John 15:1-2). 

In principle, God is able to graft in again a branch that He cut off, as for example Paul wrote: "if GOD DID NOT SPARE THE BRANCHES in-accordance-with nature, perhaps neither will-He-spare you. Therefore behold (the) goodness and severity (of) God — severity upon the (ones) having-fallen, but the goodness (of) God upon you, if you-continue (in His) goodness. Otherwise you also will-be-cut-off. But those (ones) also, if they-do not continue (in) unbelief, will-be-grafted-in. For GOD IS ABLE TO-GRAFT THEM IN AGAIN" (Romans 11:21-23).

What could be eventual consequences for someone being taken away from being "in Christ"?

An eventual consequence of a branch taken away from being in Christ can be to be thrown into the fire and be burned, as Jesus said: "If anyone is not abiding in Me — he-is-thrown outside like the BRANCH, and is-dried-up. And THEY-GATHER them TOGETHER, and THROW (them) INTO the FIRE. And THEY-ARE-BURNED" (John 15:6).

Jesus may be referring to angels gathering these people to THROW them INTO the furnace of FIRE. In "the parable (of) the darnel (of) the field" (Matthew 13:36), Jesus used similar words to describe that "at (the) time (of) the harvest I-will-say (to) the harvesters, “Collect first the darnel, and bind them into bundles so-as to-burn them up. But GATHER the wheat into my barn" (Matthew 13:30), and "just-as the darnel is-collected and burned-up (with) FIRE, so it-will-be in the conclusion (of) the age. The Son (of) Man will-send-out His angels, and they-will-collect-out of His kingdom all the causes-of-falling and the (ones) doing lawlessness. And THEY-WILL-THROW them INTO the furnace (of) FIRE. In-that-place, there will-be the weeping and the grinding (of) teeth" (Matthew 13:40-42).


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