Salvation can be linked to a race to run

Salvation can be linked to a race to run

Salvation can be linked to a race to run:

Salvation can be described for example in the PAST tense, but also in the PRESENT tense and the FUTURE tense

For more information:
Salvation can be described in the past, present, and future tense:
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Paul wrote in the PAST TENSE about God that "HE-SAVED us [..] according-to His MERCY" (Titus 3:5). 

Paul specified that "(MERCY is) NOT [...] (of) the (one) RUNNING, but (of) the (One) having-mercy, God" (Romans 9:16). 

So it is not by RUNNING that one can be SAVED in the past tense.

After the past: 

Paul wrote that in the past "WE-WERE-SAVED (in) hope [...] But since we-hope-for what we-see not, WE-ARE-EAGERLY-AWAITING (IT) THROUGH ENDURANCE [hupomoné 5281 in Greek]" (Romans 8:24-25). 

After we were saved in hope in the past tense, we are now in the present tense awaiting it through ENDURANCE

The author of Hebrews wrote that "WE-MAY-BE-RUNNING THE RACE BEING-SET-BEOFRE US us with ENDURANCE [hupomoné 5281 in Greek]" (Hebrews 12:1), and this "(while) AGONIZING [agо́nizomai 464 in Greek] against sin" (Hebrews 12:4).


After being asked about those who are "BEING-SAVED" (Luke 13:23) in the PRESENT TENSE, Jesus answered to "BE-AGONIZING [agо́nizomai 75 in Greek]" (Luke 13:24) in the present tense, because He added that "afflicted (is) THE WAY" (Matthew 7:14). 

This could refer to the present tense way of a race to run, as Paul wrote: "BE-RUNNING in-this-manner: that you-may-take-hold-of (the prize). And everyone AGONIZING [agо́nizomai 75 in Greek] is-inner-mighted (as to) all (things)" (1 Corinthians 9:24-25).


At the end of his life, Paul wrote: "I-HAVE-FINISHED THE COURSE" (2 Timothy 4:7) adding that now in the FUTURE TENSE "the Lord [...] WILL-SAVE (me) into His heavenly kingdom" (2 Timothy 4:18). 

People begin the race and then are perfected to end the race:


Paul wrote to the Galatians: "YOU-WERE-RUNNING" (Galatians 5:7), "Having-BEGUN-in (the) Spirit are-you now PERFECTING (yourselves with the) flesh?" (Galatians 3:3).


Paul wrote: "Do-you not know that the (ones) RUNNING in (a) RACE all run, but one receives the PRIZE [brabeion 1017 in Greek]? BE-RUNNING in-this-manner: that you-may-take-hold-of (the PRIZE)" (1 Corinthians 9:24). 

The Greek word for "PRIZE" [brabeion 1017 in Greek] is only used 1 other time in the entire New Testament, as Paul wrote: "NOT THAT I already received (it) or HAVE ALREADY BEEN-MADE-PERFECT, but [...] I-am-pressing-on toward (the) (aim-as-a-)thing-carefully-looked-at for the PRIZE [brabeion 1017 in Greek] (of) the upward calling (from) God" (Philippians 3:12-14). 


It is written in Hebrews: "WE-MAY-BE-RUNNING THE RACE being-set-before us with endurance (while) looking-away toward the AUTHOR and PERFECTER (of) the faith" (Hebrews 12:1-2). 

A believer is expected to grow to become PERFECTED.

For more information:
Someone can grow in Christ:
Click here

It is possible to be hindered from running:

1 Corinthians:

Paul wrote: "I RUN in-this-manner, as not unevidently [...] But I-bruise MY BODY and MAKE-(IT-MY)-SLAVE, (that) having-proclaimed (to) others, I MYSELF SHOULD NOT SOMEHOW BECOME DISAPPROVED" (1 Corinthians 9:26-27).


Paul wrote to the Galatians: "YOU-WERE-RUNNING well. Who HINDERED YOU (that you should) not be-persuaded (by) the truth?" (Galatians 5:7). 

Paul told them: "Having-BEGUN-in (the) Spirit are-you now PERFECTING (yourselves with the) FLESH?" (Galatians 3:3).

2 Timothy:

Paul wrote: "if one COMPETES (in an athletic contest), he-is not crowned UNLESS HE-COMPETES LAWFULLY" (2 Timothy 2:5).


It is written in Hebrews: "WE-MAY-BE-RUNNING THE RACE being-set-before us WITH ENDURANCE" (Hebrews 12:1), and so "YOU-MAY NOT BE-WEARY (IN) YOUR SOULS, LOSING-HEART" (Hebrews 12:3).

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