John 5:24 - Conditional eternal life?

Does John 5:24 have conditions?

John 5:24: "Truly, truly, I-say (to) you that the (one) HEARING My word and BELIEVING the (One) having-sent Me has eternal life. And he-does not come into judgment, but has-passed from death to life."

"Hearing" and "believing":

Jesus said: "the (one) HEARING My word and BELIEVING the (One) having-sent Me has eternal life" (John 5:24). 

On which conditions one "has eternal life" (John 5:24)? 

On the conditions of "HEARING" (John 5:24) the word of Jesus, and "BELIEVING" (John 5:24) the One having sent Jesus.


Jesus said: "the (one) HEARING My word and believing the (One) having-sent Me has eternal life" (John 5:24).

The Greek word here for "HEARING" is in the Present Active Participle, which refers to a present active event.

It is possible for example for one to not be able to "HEAR" the WORD of Jesus, as Jesus said to some: "you-are NOT able TO-HEAR My WORD. You are of (your) father the devil" (John 8:43-44).

It is possible for some to close their eyes to not see and not "HEAR" with their ears, as for example Jesus said about some that: "they-closed their eyes that they-might not ever see (with their) eyes, and HEAR (with their) ears" (Matthew 13:15).


Jesus said: "the (one) hearing My word and BELIEVING the (One) having-sent Me has eternal life" (John 5:24). 

Someone does not BELIEVE automatically. 

For more information:
Does someone automatically believe?:

The Greek word "BELIEVING" is in the Present Active Participle, which refers to a present active event. If one is not "BELIEVING", that one would not meet the required condition anymore.

Is it possible at some point to not meet the condition of "BELIEVING" anymore? Yes, as Jesus also said for example that some people "ARE-BELIEVING for (a) time, and are-departing in (a) time (of) testing" (Luke 8:13).

For more information:
Luke 8:13 - Believing for a time?:

Someone does not CONTINUE to BELIEVE automatically. 

For more information:
Does faith automatically continue?:
Click here

Conditions not met for eternal life anymore?:

If someone would not meet the conditions anymore to HAVE ETERNAL life, could that person still HAVE ETERNAL life? 

For further information, click on the following article:
Can something eternal not be applied to someone anymore?:
Click here

"Has passed":

Jesus said that such a one "HAS-PASSED from death to life" (John 5:24). 

The Greek word for "HAS-PASSED" (John 5:24) is in the Perfect Active Indicative, which means an action viewed as having been completed in the past, yet having results occurring in the present. It is possible for the results occurring in the present to not happen anymore. 

For example it is written in 1 John 3:14 that "We know that WE-HAVE-PASSED out-of death into life BECAUSE WE-ARE-LOVING the brothers" (1 John 3:14). The results occurring in the present from having passed from death into life would be that "WE-ARE-LOVING the brothers" (1 John 3:14). 

To BE-LOVING the brothers is not automatic.

For more information:
Is love automatically produced?:
Click here

From life to death?:

Could it be possible for someone who has been alive (for example someone who "has-passed from death to life" (John 5:24)) to pass from being alive to being dead? 

In the parable of the "two sons" (Luke 15:11), a son who was previously alive was then described as "dead" (Luke 15:24). Indeed, there was one son who left his "father" (Luke 15:12) and "he-squandered his substance living wildly", but later the son came back to his father and confessed his sin, and the father said: "this son (of) mine was dead, and he-became-alive-again" (Luke 15:24). The father said about the son that "he-became-alive-again" (Luke 15:24), suggesting that the son was formerly alive before he "was dead" (Luke 15:24) as later "he-became-alive-AGAIN" (Luke 15:24). 

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