Romans 8:1 - Conditional condemnation?

Does Romans 8:1 have conditions?

Romans 8:1: "Therefore, (there is) now no condemnation (for) the (ones) IN CHRIST Jesus"


Paul wrote: "(there is) now no condemnation (for) the (ones) IN CHRIST" (Romans 8:1).

On which condition is there "no condemnation" (Romans 8:1)? On the condition of being among "the (ones) IN CHRIST" (Romans 8:1).

To be "IN CHRIST" would be conditional. Paul wrote, using the conditional particle "IF": "IF anyone (is) IN CHRIST" (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Someone "IN CHRIST" can end up being TAKEN AWAY by the Father from being "IN CHRIST", as Christ said: "I am the grapevine, YOU (ARE) THE BRANCHES" (John 15:5), "My Father is the land-worker. Every BRANCH IN ME not bearing fruit — HE-TAKES IT AWAY" (John 15:1-2). 

For more information:
Is being "in Christ" conditional?:
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