How can people be saved by God?
How can people be saved by God?
Paul wrote that "God [...] even we being DEAD (ones in) trespasses, MADE(-US)-ALIVE-with Christ — (by grace) you-are SAVED" (Ephesians 2:4-5).
This would describe being SAVED OUT OF DEATH (from sin and trespasses).
→ This would be the working of God.
After that people are made ALIVE, God is working to SAVE them FROM THEIR SINS (that can bring forth DEATH).
→ This can be something that God can require humans to work with His work.
For example after being asked about those who are "BEING-SAVED" (Luke 13:23) in the present tense, Jesus answered to "BE-AGONIZING" (Luke 13:24) in the present tense. This would be "AGONIZING AGAINST SIN" (Hebrews 12:4). This would be "AGONIZING IN-ACCORDANCE-WITH HIS [God's] WORKING BEING-AT-WORK IN ME WITH POWER" (Colossians 1:29).
SALVATION can be described in the PAST tense, but also in the PRESENT tense.
You can find more details below:
Salvation in the past... but also in the present?
SALVATION can be described in the PAST tense, but also in the PRESENT tense.
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Salvation can be described in the past, present, and future tense:
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Saved "out of death" & "from their sins"?
People can be described as being saved out of death, as it is written: "the (one) having-turned-back (a) sinning (one) from (the) error (of) his way WILL-SAVE his soul OUT-OF [ek 1537 in Greek] DEATH" (James 5:20).
People can be described as being saved from their sins, as it is written: "you-shall-call His name JESUS, for HE-WILL-SAVE His people FROM [apo 575 in Greek] THEIR SINS" (Matthew 1:21).
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Salvation from what?:
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Saved initially?:
Ephesians 2:
Paul wrote that "God [...] even we being DEAD (ones in) trespasses, MADE(-US)-ALIVE-with Christ — (by grace) you-are SAVED" (Ephesians 2:4-5).
So here "SAVED" (Ephesians 2:5) is the action to pass from "being DEAD (ones in) trespasses" (Ephesians 2:5) to then be "MADE-ALIVE-with Christ" (Ephesians 2:5).
This would describe being SAVED OUT OF DEATH (from sin and trespasses).
This would happen as God FORGIVES ALL THE SINS of someone, as it is written: "HE-MADE-YOU ALIVE-together with Him, HAVING-FORGIVEN US ALL THE TRESPASSES" (Colossians 2:12-13).
This would describe being SAVED FROM THEIR SINS. Indeed Jesus for example said to a woman: "YOUR SINS HAVE-BEEN-FORGIVEN" (Luke 7:48) adding: "Your faith HAS-SAVED YOU. Go in peace”." (Luke 7:48-50). Here the woman would have been SAVED FROM HER SINS as she was FORGIVEN OF HER SINS.
This would all be the working of God, as it is written in Colossians that "you also were-raised-with (Him) through faith (in) THE WORKING (OF) GOD, the (One) having-raised Him out-of (the) dead (ones). Indeed, you being DEAD (ones) in the trespasses and the uncircumcision (of) your flesh, HE-MADE-YOU ALIVE-together you with Him, HAVING-FORGIVEN US ALL THE TRESPASSES" (Colossians 2:12-13).
Beyond being saved initially?
After that people are made ALIVE, God is working to SAVE them FROM THEIR SINS (that can bring forth DEATH).
This is something that God can require humans to work with His work.
Such salvation is needed because death can come from sin. James wrote: "SIN, having-been-completed, BRINGS-FORTH DEATH" (James 1:15).
For more information on what death (from sin) is:
What is death (from sin)?:
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It is possible that people become DEAD (from SIN) after having been ALIVE.
Is it possible to become dead (from sin) after having been alive?:
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Being forgiven of sins beyond being saved initially?
Jesus for example said to a woman: "YOUR SINS HAVE-BEEN-FORGIVEN" (Luke 7:48) adding: "Your faith HAS-SAVED YOU. Go in peace”." (Luke 7:48-50).
Here the woman would have been SAVED FROM HER SINS as she was FORGIVEN OF HER SINS.
There is evidence to suggest that someone can also be FORGIVEN OF SINS beyond being saved initially.
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Does forgiveness have conditions?:
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Luke 13:
After being asked about those who are "BEING-SAVED" (Luke 13:23) in the present tense, Jesus answered to "BE-AGONIZING" (Luke 13:24) in the present tense.
This would be "AGONIZING AGAINST SIN" (Hebrews 12:4).
You can find more details below:
Luke 13: Be-agonizing:
In Luke 13, it was asked to Jesus: "“Master, (are) the (ones) BEING-SAVED few?” And the (One) said to them, “BE-AGONIZING to-enter through the narrow door, because many, I-say to you, WILL-SEEK to-enter, and WILL not BE-ABLE" (Luke 13:23-24).
Here the same present tense is used to describe those who are presently "BEING-SAVED" (Luke 13:23) and those who are commanded to presently "BE-AGONIZING" (Luke 13:24).
The Greek word for "BE-AGONIZING" used in Luke 13:24 can also be translated as "struggling" or "fighting", but it comes from the Greek verb "agо́nizomai" [75 in Greek] which can be reasonably translated as "TO-AGONIZE".
Luke 22: In agony:
Later in Luke 22, the Greek noun for "AGONY" [agonia 74 in Greek] can be found when Jesus was praying to resist "TEMPTATION" (Luke 22:40), as "having-come-to-be in AGONY [agonia 74 in Greek], He-was-praying more-fervently. And His sweat became like drops (of) BLOOD going-down upon the ground" (Luke 22:44). Here Jesus would have been to the point of BLOOD in AGONY against TEMPTATION just before going to the cross.
Connection with Hebrews 12:
It is written in Hebrews 12: "having-laid-aside every weight and the easily-entangling SIN, we-may-be-running THE RACE BEING-SET-BEFORE-US WITH ENDURANCE (while) looking-away toward the author and perfecter (of) the faith, JESUS, WHO ENDURED (a) cross" (Hebrews 12:1-2), adding: "you-did not yet resist to-the-point (of) BLOOD (while) AGONIZING [antagо́nizomai 464 in Greek] AGAINST SIN!" (Hebrews 12:4).
This could be recounting how Jesus would have been "to-the-point (of) BLOOD (while) AGONIZING [antagо́nizomai 464 in Greek] AGAINST SIN" (Hebrews 12:4).
Jesus instructed in a question about those "BEING-SAVED" (Luke 13:23) in the present tense that people needed to "BE-AGONIZING [agо́nizomai 75 in Greek]" (Luke 13:24) in the present tense.
This would describe BEING SAVED FROM THEIR SINS, as people would need to be "AGONIZING [antagо́nizomai 464 in Greek] AGAINST SIN" (Hebrews 12:4) to the point of not ending up committing "SIN" (Hebrews 12:1).
God's involment: Colossians 1:
God can be involved in that process as for example Paul wrote that he was "AGONIZING [agо́nizomai 75 in Greek] IN-ACCORDANCE-WITH HIS WORKING BEING-AT-WORK IN ME WITH POWER" (Colossians 1:29).
1 Corinthians 15:
1 Corinthians 15: Being saved if holding on:
Paul wrote: "you also ARE-BEING-SAVED — if YOU-ARE-HOLDING-ON (in) that message I-announced-as-good-news (to) you, unless YOU-BELIEVED in-vain" (1 Corinthians 15:2).
Salvation in the present tense here can be set in contrast with past things. Paul wrote that you "ARE-BEING-SAVED" (1 Corinthians 15:2) in the present tense in contrast to when "YOU-BELIEVED" (1 Corinthians 15:2) which is in the aorist tense (indicative), indicating something that happened in the past.
Paul indicated that "you also ARE-BEING-SAVED — if YOU-ARE-HOLDING-ON (in) that message I-announced-as-good-news (to) you" (1 Corinthians 15:2). Both the Greek words for "ARE-BEING-SAVED" (1 Corinthians 15:2) and "YOU-ARE-HOLDING-ON" (1 Corinthians 15:2) are in the present tense.
1 Corinthians 15: Holding on to the good news:
People need here to be "HOLDING-ON (in) that message I-announced-as-GOOD-NEWS (to) you" (1 Corinthians 15:2).
Here "THE GOOD-NEWS" (1 Corinthians 15:1) would be referring specifically to "THE GOOD-NEWS (OF) CHRIST" (1 Corinthians 9:12).
For more information:
What is the good news?:
The good news of Christ teaches us all kinds of things to avoid sinning, as for example Christ even commanded directly: "DO NOT BE-SINNING" (John 5:14).
By "HOLDING-ON" (1 Corinthians 15:2) to the good news of Christ, people "ARE-BEING-SAVED" (1 Corinthians 15:2) FROM THEIR SINS.
God's involvement: Romans 1:
God is involved in this in the sense that He provided this good news as it can also be called "(THE) GOOD-NEWS (OF) GOD" (Romans 1:1) and so Paul added that "I-am not ashamed-of THE GOOD-NEWS, for IT-IS (THE) POWER (OF) GOD for SALVATION" (Romans 1:16).
1 Peter 4:
1 Peter 4: The righteous is being saved:
It is written in 1 Peter: "if THE RIGHTEOUS (ONE) IS-BEING-SAVED with-difficulty, where WILL the non-worshipping (ones) and SINNING (ONES) APPEAR?" (1 Peter 4:18).
Here the righteous presently "IS-BEING-SAVED with-difficulty " (1 Peter 4:18), and is set in contrast with the "sinning (ones)" (1 Peter 4:18) asking where they WILL APPEAR in the future tense.
1 Peter 4: Righteous one in opposition with sinning ones:
A "RIGHTEOUS (ONE)" (1 Peter 4:18) can be set in opposition with "SINNING (ONES)" (1 Peter 4:18) in this passage.
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Descriptions of a righteous person:
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This may indicate that the "RIGHTEOUS (ONE) IS-BEING-SAVED" (1 Peter 4:18) FROM THEIR SINS specifically, even though it is "with-difficulty" (1 Peter 4:18).
God's involvement:
God can be involved in that process, as He can be involved in the process of declaring-righteous someone (which can be linked to being righteous).
For more information:
Can there be a link between being declared-righteous and being righteous?:
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How can people be declared-righteous by God?:
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