Declared-righteous from what?

Declared-righteous from what?

Declared-righteous from sin: 

Someone can be declared-righteous (or "justified"). From what can someone be declared-righteous? 

It is written in Romans that someone can be declared-righteous from sin: "the (one) having-died HAS-BEEN(-DECLARED)-RIGHTEOUS FROM SIN" (Romans 6:7).

Example of being "declared-righteous" from sin? 

Paul presented a list of sins, saying: "do-you not know that unrighteous (ones) will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be-deceived. Neither sexually-immoral (ones), nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor (homo-)passive(-male-partners), nor (homosexuals-)male-bed(ers), nor thieves, nor greedy (ones) — not drunkards, not revilers, not swindlers — will-inherit (the) kingdom (of) God" (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).

For more information on how this list can be understood as a list of sins:
Examples of sins in the new covenant:
Click here

In the very next verse, Paul then indicated: "And some (of you) WERE these (things). But you-washed(-them)-away, but you-were sanctified, BUT YOU-WERE-DECLARED-RIGHTEOUS in the name (of) the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit (of) our God" (1 Corinthians 6:11). 

Here after listing sins in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Paul then indicated that "some (of you) WERE these (things)" (1 Corinthians 6:11) "BUT YOU-WERE-DECLARED-RIGHTEOUS" (1 Corinthians 6:11). It may be implied that Paul could have indicated that people in his audience were declared righteous from these sins that he presented, in the sense that they WERE those things in the past, BUT then WERE DECLARED RIGHTEOUS (from these sins). 

Is there an indirect link between being declared-righteous and sin? 

It is written in 1 John: "All unrighteousness is (a) SIN" (1 John 5:17). 

Unrighteousness is directly opposed to righteousness.

It. is written that "unrighteousness is (a) SIN" (1 John 5:17), thus SIN can be indirectly opposed to righteousness

Being declared-sinning could be indirectly opposed to being declared-righteous (from sin).

In the Bible, someone who is a sinning person can be described as being indirectly in opposition to someone who is a righteous person. 
For more information:
Descriptions of a righteous person:
Click here


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