Obedience: what, who and why?

Obedience: what, who and why?

What is obedience?

TO OBEY is to act in accordance with the COMMANDMENTS OR GUIDANCE provided.

For example it is written: "HE-COMMANDS even the unclean spirits and THEY-OBEY Him" (Mark 1:27). 

A commandment to obey does not have to only be given in a formal way 

A commandment can be given in the imperative mood, as for example: "BE-HONORING your father and mother” — WHICH IS (the) first COMMANDMENT with (a) promise" (Ephesians 6:2). 

The imperative mood is not the only form used in which a commandment can be given. Other moods can be used which sometimes may make the commandments appear to be mere suggestions, but they can really also be commandments that the hearer would be expected to obey (as much as if they were given in a formal way). 

A commandment can be given in the subjunctive mood, as for example it is written: "THIS IS His COMMANDMENT: that WE-MAY-BELIEVE (in) the name (of) His Son Jesus Christ, and (that) WE-MAY-BE-LOVING one-another, just-as He-gave us (the) COMMANDMENT" (1 John 3:23). The commandment given here is not that we may or may not choose to be LOVING one another, but that we ought to be LOVING one another, as for example it is also written in the imperative mood somewhere else: "LOVE one-another fervently from (a) pure heart" (1 Peter 1:22). The fact that the subjunctive mood is used does not imply that an option is given to do or not do what is commanded. It is just another form that a commandment can be given that is less formal. 

A commandment can be given in the indicative mood, as for example it is written: "YOU-SHALL-LOVE (the) Lord your God with your whole heart, and with your whole soul, and with your whole mind’ — THIS IS the great and foremost COMMANDMENT" (Matthew 22:37-38). The indicative mood does not imply that a project or a plan is simply presented with the option to disobey it, but it is just a less formal form in which a commandment can be given. 

A commandment to obey can be given to people who already obey

A commandment that is expected to be obeyed can be given to people who are already obeying. For example it is written: "brothers, BE more DILIGENT to-be-making your calling and election firm" (2 Peter 1:10), "I will-certainly always be-reminding you about these (things), EVEN THOUGH (YOU ARE ONES) KNOWING AND HAVING-BEEN-ESTABLISHED IN (THE) TRUTH BEING-PRESENT (WITH YOU)" (2 Peter 1:12). 

Why obeying? 

It is a condition of eternal salvation: 

For more information:
Is obedience a condition of eternal salvation?:
Click here

There can be penalties because of disobedience: 

There can be penalties to disobedience that can be administered by the higher authority expecting the obedience. For example it is written: "every transgression and DISOBEDIENCE received (a) just PENALTY" (Hebrews 2:2). 

Paul wrote about Jesus "giving vengeance (to) the (ones) not knowing God and the (ones) NOT OBEYING the good-news (of) our Lord Jesus — WHO WILL-PAY (THE) PENALTY: ETERNAL DESTRUCTION from (the) presence (of) the Lord and from the glory (of) His strength" (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9). 

The wrath and fury of God because of disobedience: 

The wrath and fury of God can come upon people in the new covenant because of disobedience, as Paul wrote: "put-to-death (your) body-part (things) on earth — sexual-immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which is idolatry — because-of which (things) THE WRATH (OF) GOD is-coming upon the sons (of) DISOBEDIENCE" (Colossians 3:5-6). 

Paul wrote: "(to) the (ones) indeed DISOBEYING the truth and being-persuaded (about) unrighteousness out-of selfish-interest, (God will-give-back) WRATH AND FURY" (Romans 2:8).

Who to obey:


It is written: "Peter and the apostles said, “IT-IS-NECESSARY TO-OBEY GOD" (Acts 5:29). 

God can command things to people in various ways. If God were to give a command to someone through another human, it would be necessary to obey what this other human would be conveying.


It is written: "CHRIST" (Hebrews 5:5), "although being (a) SON, learned obedience from (the things) which He-suffered. And having-been-perfected, He-became (the) cause (of) eternal salvation (to) all the (ones) OBEYING HIM, having-been-designated by God (as) High-Priest" (Hebrews 5:8-10).

A human can also convey what Jesus commands, as for example Paul wrote: "you-know what COMMANDS WE-GAVE (to) you THROUGH THE LORD JESUS" (1 Thessalonians 4:2). 

(State) authorities: 

It is written: "Be-reminding them to-be-subject (to) rulers, (TO) AUTHORITIES; TO-BE-OBEDIENT" (Titus 3:1). 

(Spiritual) leaders: 

It is written: "BE-OBEYING THE (ONES) LEADING YOU and be-yielding, for they are-being-sleepless for your souls as (ones who) will-give-back (an) account" (Hebrews 13:17). 

Husbands (for wives): 

It is written: "wives, BEING-SUBJECT (TO YOUR) OWN HUSBANDS" (1 Peter 3:1), "For in-this-manner formerly also the holy wives putting-hope into God were-adorning themselves, BEING-SUBJECT (TO THEIR) OWN HUSBANDS, AS SARAH OBEYED ABRAHAM" (1 Peter 3:5-6). 

Parents (for children): 

It is written: "CHILDRENBE-OBEYING (YOUR) PARENTS in all (things)" (Colossians 3:20). 

What to obey:

Obeying the commandments or guidance issued by the authorities (that do not contradict higher authorities): 

We ought to obey the commandments and guidance issued by the authorities that we ought to obey such as: 

These are NOT ALL ON THE SAME LEVEL IN THE HIERARCHY, as some of these authorities are higher than others (God being the highest authority in the hierarchy). Regardless we ought to obey all of them, unless one of these authorities is providing a commandment or guidance contradicting another commandment given by a higher authority in the hierarchy (such as a commandment contradicting what God Who is the highest authority would be commanding), then in that case we ought not to obey that contrary commandment.

Many things that God (and Jesus) commanded can be found IN THE BIBLE. We are to obey those that apply to us beyond the contemporary context of the text. 

God's voice can also be heard directly, and also needs to be obeyed, as it is written: "Today, IF YOU-HEAR HIS VOICE, DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS as in the rebellion" (Hebrews 3:15) because these were "THE (ONES) HAVING-DISOBEYED" (Hebrews 3:18). A determination needs to be made also that the voice we are hearing is indeed God before obeying it, which the explicit commands and guidance found in the Bible from God can also help to determine. 

Obeying the truth: 

We ought to obey the truth, as it is written about "Having-purified your souls in OBEDIENCE (OF) THE TRUTH" (1 Peter 1:22). 

It is also written that "(to) the (ones) indeed DISOBEYING THE TRUTH and being-persuaded (about) unrighteousness out-of selfish-interest, (God will-give-back) WRATH AND FURY" (Romans 2:8).

Obeying the good news: 

We ought to obey the good news of God, as it is written: "(it is) time (that) the judgment begin from the house (of) God. But if (it begins) first from us, what (will be) the end (of) the (ones) DISOBEYING THE GOOD-NEWS (OF) GOD?" (1 Peter 4:17). 

For more information on what "THE GOOD-NEWS" is:
What is the good news?:

What not to obey:

The (evil) desires of our body: 

We ought to not obey the (evil) desires of our body, as it is written: "do NOT let sin be-reigning in your dying BODY so that (you are) OBEYING ITS DESIRES" (Romans 6:12). 

"ITS DESIRES" (Romans 6:12) refers to the DESIRES of "your dying BODY" (Romans 6:12), as "ITS" and "BODY" are also both in the Singular Neuter in the Greek. The Greek word for "sin" (Romans 6:12) for example is in the feminine in the Greek, so it could not correspond to "ITS" which is in the neuter in the Greek. 

How to obey:

Out of the heart: 

We may be expected to obey out of the heart, as it is written: "thanks (be to) God that you-were slaves (of) sin, but YOU-OBEYED OUT-OF (THE) HEART (the) form (of) teaching to which you-were-delivered" (Romans 6:17). 

What can be considered as disobedience:

Disobedience is not limited to direct defiance, but it can include other things.

Acting in direct defiance to a commandment provided: 

If we act in direct defiance to a commandment provided to us (assuming that this commandment would be valid), then this is disobedience. 

Adam was commanded to not eat of a tree: "the LORD God COMMANDED ADAM, saying, “From every tree in the Paradise you will eat (for) food, but FROM THE TREE TO BE KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL YOU WILL NOT EAT FROM IT, but in which day you shall eat from it, you will die (by) death.”" (Genesis 2:16-17). 
But instead Adam ate directly from that tree: "the woman saw that THE TREE (was) good [...] and having taken of its fruit she ate, and she gave to her HUSBAND with her, and they ATE" (Genesis 3:6). 
Adam was then confronted by the LORD for his disobedience, as it is written: "You did not eat from the tree which I commanded to you, this alone not to eat from it, did you?” And Adam said, “The woman whom You gave (to be) with me, she gave to me from the tree, and I ate.”" (Genesis 3:11-12). Paul wrote that this was an act of disobedience from Adam, writing of "the DISOBEDIENCE (of) the one man" (Romans 5:19). 

Acting only partially in accordance with a commandment provided: 

If we end up acting only partially in accordance with a commandment provided to us (assuming that this commandment would be valid), then this is disobedience. 

The king Saul for example was commanded: "Thus said the LORD Sabaoth, [...] go, and you will strike Amalek and Hierim and all the (things) of him, and YOU WILL NOT PRESERVE (ANYTHING) FROM HIM (ALIVE), but YOU WILL UTTERLY DESTROY him. And you will devote him and all the (things) of him (to destruction), and you will not spare (anything) from him; and you will kill from man and to woman, and from infant to nursing (baby), and from calf to sheep, and from camel to donkey.’" (1 Samuel 15:2-3). 
But Saul only acted partially (and not fully) according to what was commanded to him, as it is written: "And Saul and all the people PRESERVED AGAG LIVING, and the best of the flocks, and of the herds, and of the meats, and of the vineyards, and of all the good (things); and they were NOT WILLING TO DESTROY THEM. BUT EVERY WORK HAVING BEEN DISHONORED AND HAVING BEEN SET AT NAUGHT THEY DESTROYED" (1 Samuel 15:9). 
Saul was then confronted for his disobedience, as it is written that Samuel said to Saul: "WHY DID YOU NOT LISTEN TO THE VOICE OF THE LORD, but rushed to fasten upon the spoils, and did the evil in the sight of the LORD?” THEN SAUL SAID TO SAMUEL, “Because I listened to the voice of the people; BUT I WENT THE WAY BY WHICH THE LORD SENT ME, AND I BROUGHT AGAG KING OF AMALEK, AND I DESTROYED AMALEK. BUT the people took of the spoils the first flocks and herds (out) of the destruction, to sacrifice before the LORD our God in Gilgal.” But Samuel said, “Does the LORD desire whole-burnt-offerings and sacrifices, as to hear the voice of the LORD? Behold, listening is better than a good sacrifice, and OBEDIENCE than (the) fat of rams. For sin is (as) divination; idols bring on pain and grief. BECAUSE YOU REJECTED THE WORD OF THE LORD, THE LORD ALSO WILL REJECT YOU, (for you) not to continue being king over Israel.”" (1 Samuel 15:19-23). 

Is it possible for God to show us mercy after we have disobeyed?

Desobedience can bring consequences. But it is possible that God shows us MERCY so as not to be CONDEMNED ultimately after we disobey, as it is written: "just-as you once DISOBEYED God, BUT NOW WERE-SHOWN-MERCY" (Romans 11:30). 

Now to be SHOWN MERCY by God is conditional. For more information:
Romans 9:15 - Conditional mercy of God?:
Click here


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