Hebrews 13:5 - I will never forsake you?

Does Hebrews 13:5 have conditions?

Hebrews 13:5: "(Let) character (be) without-love-of-money, being-content (with) the present (things). For He-Himself has-said “I-WILL NEVER LET YOU GO, NOR WILL-I BY ANY MEANS FORSAKE YOU”"

Absence of STATED condition does not mean absence of condition:

It is written in Hebrews: "He-Himself has-said “I-WILL NEVER LET YOU GO, NOR WILL-I BY ANY MEANS FORSAKE YOU" (Hebrews 13:5). 

There is no stated condition in this verse. Yet in the Bible, absence of STATED condition does not necessitate the absence of a condition. 

For example, if there is only one condition stated in a verse, it does not preclude that there can be other conditions specified in other passages that can apply. 

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Absence of stated condition does not necessitate the absence of a condition:
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Quoted from Deuteronomy 31:

It is written in Hebrews: "He-Himself HAS-SAIDI-WILL NEVER LET YOU GO, NOR WILL-I BY ANY MEANS FORSAKE YOU" (Hebrews 13:5).

This is a quote from Deuteronomy 31, as it referred to something God "HAS-SAID" (Hebrews 13:5). 

It is written in Deuteronomy 31: "Be courageous and be being strong, stop fearing, neither be cowardly neither be terrified before their face; for the LORD your God (is) going before with you among you, BY NO MEANS WILL HE LET YOU GO, NOR FORSAKE YOU". 

Now a few verses later from the quoted verse, a warning is given to the people if they forsake the LORD, saying: "this people having arisen, will indulge in gross immorality (going) after the strange gods of the land, into which they are entering there into it, and THEY WILL FORSAKE ME, and break My covenant, which I made with them. And I will be made angry with wrath with them in that day, AND I WILL LEAVE THEM and turn My face away from them, and they will be prey" (Deuteronomy 31:16-17).

Thus IF THE PEOPLE FORSAKE THE LORD, HE WILL LEAVE THEM and turn His face away from them.

It is written somewhere else: "The LORD (is) with you, while you are with Him. And if you seek Him out, He will be found by you; but IF YOU FORSAKE THE LORD, HE WILL FORSAKE YOU" (2 Chronicles 15:2). 

The LORD will not forsake his holy ones:

The LORD would not forsake people who are holy, as it is written: "the LORD will NOT FORSAKE His HOLY (ONES)" (Psalms 37:28) 

Continuing in HOLINESS is not automatic.

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Does someone automatically continue in holiness?:
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The LORD will not forsake his righteous ones:

The LORD would not forsake people who are righteous, as it is written: "I was young, and indeed I grew old; yet I did NOT see A RIGHTEOUS (PERSON) HAVING BEEN FORSAKEN" (Psalms 37:25).

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