Luke 8:15 - Fourth soil: Bearing fruit with endurance?

Does Luke 8:15 have conditions?

Luke 8:15: "And the (seed) in the good soil — these (people) are (ones) who, having-heard the word in (a) upright and good heart, are-holding-on-to (it) and bearing-fruit with endurance."

Having heard in a "good" heart?

It is written about the people of the fourth soil that "these (people) are (ones) who, having-heard the WORD in (a) upright and GOOD HEART" (Luke 8:11)

James wrote: "HAVING-LAID-ASIDE ALL filthiness and abundance (of) BADNESS, receive with gentleness the in-springing WORD being-able to-save your souls" (James 1:21).

"Understanding" it?

It is written about the people of the fourth soil that "the (one) having-been-sown (the seed) on the good soil, this (person) is the (one) hearing the word and UNDERSTANDING (it)" (Matthew 13:23). 

"UNDERSTANDING [suniémi 4920 in Greek, verb]" (Matthew 13:23) the word does not come automatically.

For example, it is written: "I UNDERSTOOD [suniémi 4920 in Greek, verb] more than all the ones teaching me, for Your testimonies are my meditation" (Psalm 119:99).

Another example, it is written: "I UNDERSTOOD [suniémi 4920 in Greek, verb] more than (the) elders, because I diligently sought Your commandments" (Psalm 119:100).

Repentance: a change of understanding with the heart?

After the word would have been sown in "THEIR HEART" (Luke 8:12), those of the fourth soil were "UNDERSTANDING (it)" (Matthew 13:23). It is possible that they could also have a change of UNDERSTANDING when hearing the word. 

REPENTANCE can mean a change of UNDERSTANDING (WITH THE HEART) from one subject toward another.

For more information:
What can "repentance" mean?:
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REPENTANCE is not automatic.

For more information:
Does someone automatically repent?:
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"Having sprung"?

It is written about the people of the fourth soil that "the SEED is THE WORD (OF) GOD" (Luke 8:11) and "(SEED) fell into the good soil. And HAVING-SPRUNG(-UP), it-produced fruit" (Luke 8:8). 

Here "THE WORD (OF) GOD" (Luke 8:11) "SPRUNG(-UP) [phuó 5453 in Greek, verb]" (Luke 8:8). 

A person in whom the word of God may have sprung could describe a new convert.

Paul wrote that "the overseer" (1 Timothy 3:2) should "not (be a) NEW-SPROUT" (1 Timothy 3:6). The Greek word for "NEW-SPROUT" [neophutos 3504 in Greek, adjective] coming from "new" [neos 3501 in Greek, adjective] and a derivative of "TO-SPRING" [phuó 5453 in Greek, verb] which is used in Luke 8:8.

This word could describe a new convert.

Are being saved?

It is written about the people of the fourth soil that "these (people) are (ones) who, having-heard the word in (a) upright and good heart, ARE-HOLDING-ON-TO (IT) and bearing-fruit with endurance" (Luke 8:11)

The people of the fourth soil are "ARE-HOLDING-ON-TO [katechо́ 2722 in Greek]" (Luke 8:11) the word.

Paul wrote about "the good-news" (1 Corinthians 15:1) "through which YOU also ARE-BEING-SAVEDif YOU-ARE-HOLDING-ON [katechо́ 2722 in Greek] (in) that message I-announced-as-good-news (to) you" (1 Corinthians 15:2). 

The Greek word for "ARE-BEING-SAVED" (1 Corinthians 15:2) here is in a present tense (in ancient Greek manuscripts). 

Salvation can be described in the past tense, but also in the present tense.

For more information:
Salvation can be described in the past, present, and future tense:
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"Bearing fruit"?

It is written about the people of the fourth soil that "these (people) are (ones) who, having-heard the word in (a) upright and good heart, are-holding-on-to (it) and BEARING-FRUIT with endurance" (Luke 8:11)

"BEARING-FRUIT" (Luke 8:11) is not automatic.

For more information:
Are fruits automatically produced?:
Click here

"With endurance"?

It is written about the people of the fourth soil that "these (people) are (ones) who, having-heard the word in (a) upright and good heart, are-holding-on-to (it) and bearing-fruit with ENDURANCE" (Luke 8:11)

"ENDURANCE" (Luke 8:11) is not automatic.

For more information:
Is endurance automatic?:
Click here

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