Is it possible for someone in the new covenant to sin?

Is it possible for someone in the new covenant to sin?

Sin is lawlessness and there is a law in the new covenant

Sin is lawlessness, as it is written in 1 John that "SIN is LAWLESSNESS" (1 John 3:4).

For more information:
What is sin?:
Click here

There is a law in the new covenant, as Paul wrote that he was "NOT being WITHOUT(-THE)-LAW (of) God, but within(-the)-LAW (of) CHRIST" (1 Corinthians 9:21) in the new covenant. 

For more information:
Is there a law in the new covenant?:
Click here

There are examples of sins given in the new covenant

There are examples of sins in the new covenant.

For more information:
Examples of sins in the new covenant:
Click here

It is possible for people in the new covenant to sin (even great sins)

Jesus announced the new covenant in His blood, saying: "This cup (is) THE NEW COVENANT in My BLOOD — the (blood) being-poured-out for you" (Luke 22:20). 

Peter wrote to people who were redeemed with the blood of Christ, as he wrote: "YOU-WERE-REDEEMED from your futile way-of-life handed-down-from-your-fathers not (with) corruptible (things), silver or gold, but (WITH THE) PRECIOUS BLOOD (OF) CHRIST" (1 Peter 1:18-19). To them, Peter wrote: "let none (of) YOU be-suffering as (a) MURDERER or THIEF or EVIL-DOER, or as (a) MEDDLER" (1 Peter 4:15-16). 

Here Peter may have implied that it was at least possible that these people could suffer as a murderer or thief, implying that they could commit such great sins. 

Some sins can be greater than others. For more information:
Are all sins the same in every way?:
Click here

For more information on how a "THIEF" (1 Peter 4:15) would have committed specifically a "SIN":
Examples of sins in the new covenant:
Click here

It is possible for someone "born again" to sin


Peter wrote to people "HAVING-BEEN-BORN-AGAIN" (1 Peter 1:23), and to them Peter wrote: "let none (of) YOU be-suffering as (a) MURDERER or THIEF or EVIL-DOER, or as (a) MEDDLER" (1 Peter 4:15-16). 

Here Peter may have implied that it was at least possible that these people could suffer as a murderer or thief, implying that they could commit such sins. 

For more information on how a "THIEF" (1 Peter 4:15) would have committed specifically a "SIN":
Examples of sins in the new covenant:
Click here


Paul wrote to people whom he said "BEGOT you in Christ Jesus through the good-news" (1 Corinthians 4:15) and Paul wrote to them several chapters later: "Sober-up righteously and DO NOT BE-SINNING, for some have (an) ignorance (of) God. I-SPEAK TO YOUR SHAME" (1 Corinthians 15:34). 

Here Paul may have implied that they may have been sinning, as he indicated to not do that and "I-SPEAK TO YOUR SHAME" (1 Corinthians 15:34). They would not have to be ashamed if they would not have been sinning. 

It is possible for someone in whom is "the Spirit of God" to sin

Paul wrote to an audience: "Do-you-know not that you-are God’s temple and THE SPIRIT (OF) GOD IS-DWELLING IN YOU?" (1 Corinthians 3:16) and Paul wrote to them several chapters later: "Sober-up righteously and DO NOT BE-SINNING, for some have (an) ignorance (of) God. I-SPEAK TO YOUR SHAME" (1 Corinthians 15:34). 

Here Paul may have implied that they may have been sinning, as he indicated to not do that and "I-SPEAK TO YOUR SHAME" (1 Corinthians 15:34). They would not have to be ashamed if they would not have been sinning. 

It is possible for an "elder" (in the faith) to sin

It is possible for an elder in the faith to sin, as may have inferred in what Paul wrote: "Do not be-accepting (an) accusation against (AN) ELDER unless on (the basis of) two or three witnesses. Be-rebuking THE (ONES) SINNING in-the-presence-of all, in-order-that the rest also may-have fear" (1 Timothy 5:19-20).

Forgiveness can be available if someone sins

If someone in the new covenant ends up sinning, forgiveness can be available for them.

For more information:
Does forgiveness have conditions?:
Click here

It is possible for someone to NOT sin

It is possible for someone to not end up sinning.

For more information:
Is it possible to not be sinning?:
Click here


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