How to not be sinning

How to not be sinning


It is possible to refrain from sinning.

For more information:
Is it possible to not be sinning?:
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Instructions can be found in the Bible on how to avoid sinning. 
3 main categories can be found:
1) What to do in advance.
2) What to do when being tempted.
3) What to do if falling into a sin (to avoid it the next time). 

See below for more details for each category:

1) What to do in advance 

Not thinking about planning in advance for a sin: 

It is written: "do NOT BE-HAVING-FORETHOUGHT (for) the flesh, for (its) desires" (Romans 13:14). Having "FORETHOUGHT" can be understood as to think about planning in advance. In other words: do not think about planning in advance for a sin. 

In contrast, we have to "BE-CONSIDERING THESE (THINGS) — whatever (things are) TRUE, whatever (things are) HONORABLE, whatever (things are) RIGHT, whatever (things are) PURE, whatever (things are) LOVELY, whatever (things are) COMMENDABLE, if (there is) any VIRTUE, and if (there is) any PRAISE" (Philippians 4:8).

Hiding the word of God in the heart: 

It is written about God: "I have HIDDEN YOUR WORD IN MY HEART, THAT I MIGHT NOT SIN against You" (Psalms 119:11). 

One way to have the word of God hidden in the heart is to meditate (think about deeply) a lot on it. In another Psalm it is written in contrast to sinners that "HAPPY IS THE MAN who has not walked in the counsel of the wicked ones, and HAS NOT STOOD IN THE WAY OF SINNERS, and has not sat in the seat of scorners. BUT HIS DELIGHT IS ONLY IN THE LAW OF YHWH, AND HE MEDITATES IN HIS LAW DAY AND NIGHT" (Psalms 1:1-2).

It is important to know in advance the word of God because it can be used to fight temptations so as to not end up sinning, just like Jesus fought against the temptations of the devil with the word of God and did not end up sinning, as it is for example written: "THE (ONE) TEMPTING SAID (TO) HIM, “If You-are God’s Son, say that these stones should-become loaves-of-bread”. BUT THE (ONE), HAVING-RESPONDED, SAID, “IT-HAS-BEEN-WRITTEN [in Deuteronomy 8:3]: ‘Mankind shall-live not on bread alone, but on every word proceeding-out through (the) mouth (of) God’”" (Matthew 4:3-4), and again: "THE DEVIL takes Him to (a) very high mountain and shows Him all the kingdoms (of) the world and their glory. And HE-SAID (TO) HIM, “I-will-give all these (things to) You if, having-fallen(-down), You-give-worship (to) me”. THEN JESUS SAYS (to) him, “Be-going-away, Satan! For IT-HAS-BEEN-WRITTEN [in Deuteronomy 6:13]: ‘You-shall-worship (the) Lord your God, and serve Him only’”." (Matthew 4:8-10).

Being occupied with a lot of good works: 

To do good can be described indirectly as the opposite of sinning, as it is written: "what-kind-of credit (is it) IF (while) SINNING and being-beaten, you-will-endure? BUT IF (while) DOING-GOOD and suffering you-will-endure, this (finds) favor with God" (1 Peter 2:20).

If one is occupied to do a lot of GOOD works, it leaves fewer occasions for SIN. Paul commanded to "be steadfast, immovable, ALWAYS ABOUNDING IN THE WORK (OF) THE LORD" (1 Corinthians 15:58) and to be "ZEALOTS (FOR) GOOD WORKS" (Titus 2:14). 

Now GOOD works will not be automatically produced.
For more information:
Are good works automatically produced?:
Click here

We also have to make sure that the works that we produce are done from a FAITH UPON GOD
For more information:
What is repentance from dead works?:
Click here

2) What to do when being tempted

It is possible to be tempted but not end up sinning, as it is written about Jesus that He was "(One) HAVING-BEEN-TEMPTED in all (things) in-accordance-with (our) likeness, WITHOUT SIN" (Hebrews 4:15).

God promised that with every temptation there will be a way to endure it in order not to have to end up sinning, as it is written: "God (is) faithful, Who will not allow you to-be-tempted beyond what you-are-able, but also WITH THE TEMPTATION WILL-MAKE THE WAY-OUT, (THAT YOU MAY) BE-ABLE TO-ENDURE" (1 Corinthians 10:13). There will be a possible way out for every single temptation we will face so that we are able to end up not sinning.


It is written: "BE-ABSTAINING from sexual-immorality" (1 Thessalonians 4:3). 

It is written: "BE-ABSTAINING (from) fleshly desires" (1 Peter 2:11).

To abstain from an evil desire is the opposite of indulging or fulfilling that evil desire. 

Paul wrote that he made his body his slave (meaning that his body did not decide for him what he needed to fulfill), as he wrote: "I-bruise MY BODY and MAKE-(IT-MY)-SLAVE" (1 Corinthians 9:27).


It is written: "BE-FLEEING sexual-immorality" (1 Corinthians 6:18).

It is written: "BE-FLEEING the youthful desires" (2 Timothy 2:22).

When Joseph was tempted by a woman that wanted him to sleep with her, he literally fled away, as it is written that "she caught hold of him by his clothes, saying, “Sleep with me!” And having left his clothes in her hands, HE FLED, and went outside" (Genesis 39:12).

Fearing God: 

It is written: "IN THE FEAR OF YHWH MEN TURN ASIDE FROM EVIL WAYS" (Proverbs 16:6).

Jesus gave a reason to fear God, saying: "BE-FEARING instead THE (ONE) BEING-ABLE TO-DESTROY BOTH SOUL AND BODY IN GEHENNA" (Matthew 10:28). 

Indeed, sinning can have consequences over eternal life.
For more information:
Can sinning have consequences over eternal life?:
Click here

Taking captive every thought to the obedience of Christ: 

It is written to be "TAKING-CAPTIVE EVERY THOUGHT to the OBEDIENCE (of) Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5). 

Now OBEDIENCE will not automatically happen. 
For more information:
Does someone automatically obey?:
Click here

3) What to do if falling into a sin (to avoid it the next time)

If someone ends up falling into a sin, there are specific additional instructions to avoid falling into it the next time the temptation comes. 

Repenting from that sin can be needed: 

REPENTANCE from the sin just committed can be needed.
For more information on repentance from sins:
Repentance from what?:
Click here

REPENTANCE can mean a change of understanding (with the heart) from one subject toward another.
If the understanding that it was a sin which was committed is not yet clear, then a change of understanding is needed to make clear that it was a sin and to change from doing this sin to not doing it instead.
For more information on what repentance can mean:
What can "repentance" mean?:
Click here

REPENTANCE will not automatically happen. 
For more information:
Does someone automatically repent?:
Click here

Taking drastic measures to avoid doing that sin again: 

Jesus said: "if your right hand IS-CAUSING YOU TO-FALL, CUT IT OFF AND THROW (IT) FROM YOU" (Matthew 5:30). Jesus was advocating for drastic measures to avoid doing a sin again if one fell into it already. 

Not walking in that sin again (even if there is no feeling of being pained by that sin anymore): 

People can be described as not feeling pained by sin anymore. Paul wrote about people "HAVING-BECOME-PAST-FEELING-PAIN" (Ephesians 4:19). 

The Greek word "TO-BE-PAST-FEELING-PAIN" (apalgeó 524 in Greek, verb) comes from "from" (apo 575 in Greek, preposition) which can denote a privation, and "to-feel-pain" (algeo, no strong in Greek). This is the word from which the English "analgesic" is derived, which is that which takes away pain. 

This would refer to the spiritual condition of people NOT FEELING PAINED BY SIN ANYMORE. Paul wrote 1 verse earlier that they were like this "because-of the hardness (of) their hearts" (Ephesians 4:18). Paul wrote 2 verses earlier to not walk as these people are walking: "this I-say and testify in (the) Lord, (that) you BE-WALKING NO-LONGER as indeed the Gentiles are-walking" (Ephesians 4:17)


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