Is it possible to not be a sinning person (sinner)?

Is it possible to not be a sinning person (sinner)?

It is possible for someone to not be a sinning person (sinner):

Jesus was not a sinning one (sinner).

It is written that Jesus was "holy, non-evil, undefiled, HAVING-BEEN-SEPARATED FROM SINNING (ones)" (Hebrews 7:26). 

Jesus indicated how His followers are to be... by contrasting them to sinning ones (sinners) 

Jesus said: "If indeed you-are-loving the (ones) loving you, what-kind-of credit is-it (to) YOU? For EVEN the SINNING (ONES) are-loving the (ones) loving them. For if indeed you-are-doing-good (to) the (ones) doing-good (to) you, what kind of credit is-it (to) YOUEVEN the SINNING (ONES) are-doing the same. And if you lend (to ones) from whom you-are-expecting to-receive, what kind of credit is-it (to) YOUEVEN SINNING (ONES) are-lending (to) SINNING (ONES) to receive-back the equal (amounts). BUT be-loving your enemies, and be-doing-good, and be-lending, expecting-back nothing, and your reward will-be great.

A sinning person (sinner) can be comparable to someone lost... but such a person can end up being found: 

A "SINNING (one)" (Luke 15:7) can be comparable to a "LOST sheep" (Luke 15:6).

For more information:
Descriptions of a sinning person (sinner):
Click here

But a "LOST" (Luke 15:6) person can end up being FOUND

Jesus said: "What man from (among) you having (a) hundred sheep and HAVING-LOST ONE of them, does not leave-behind THE NINETY NINE in the wilderness and proceed after the (one) having-become-lost until he-finds it? And HAVING-FOUND (it), he-puts (it) on his shoulders, rejoicing. And having-come to the house, he-calls-together (his) friends and neighbors, saying (to) them, ‘REJOICE-with me, because I-FOUND my LOST sheep!’ I-say (to) you that in-this-manner there-will-be JOY in heaven over ONE SINNING (one) repenting (more) than over NINETY NINE RIGHTEOUS (ones) who have no need (of) repentance" (Luke 15:4-7). 

Later in the same chapter in Luke 15, Jesus told the parable of the prodigal son who went away from the house of his father. At some point the prodigal son came back to the house of his father, and so his father said to the brother of the prodigal son: "this brother (of) yours was dead, and he-became-alive. And (HE HAD) BECOME-LOST, and HE-WAS-FOUND" (Luke 15:32). Here the brother was FOUND later (and so no longer LOST). 

sinning person (sinner) can be comparable to someone being ill... but it is possible for someone to end up being healthy:

"SINNING (ONES)" (Luke 5:30, Luke 5:32) can be comparable to "(ONES) BEING ILL" (Luke 5:31) in contrast to "THE (ONES) BEING-HEALTHY" (Luke 5:31). 

It is written: "the Pharisees and their scribes were-grumbling to His disciples, saying, “For what reason are-you-eating and drinking with the tax collectors and SINNING (ONES)?” And having-responded, Jesus said to them, “THE (ONES) BEING-HEALTHY have no need (of a) physician, BUT THE (ONES) BEING ILLI-have not come to-call RIGHTEOUS (ONES) to repentance, BUT SINNING (ONES)" (Luke 5:30-32).

It is possible for someone to end up being among "THE (ONES) BEING-HEALTHY [hugiainó 5198 in Greek]" (Luke 5:31). 

Later in Luke, Jesus told the parable of the prodigal son who went away from the house of his father. At some point the prodigal son came back to the house of his father, and it was said about him that: "this son (of) mine was dead, and he-became-alive-again. He-had become-lost, and he-was-found" (Luke 15:24) and then 3 verses later: "Your brother has-come. And your father slaughtered the fatted calf because he-received him back BEING-HEALTHY [hugiainó 5198 in Greek]" (Luke 15:27). 

Paul commanded to "be-rebuking them severely in-order-that THEY-MAY-BE-HEALTHY [hugiainó 5198 in Greek] in the faith" (Titus 1:13). This command would assume that the people targeted by the rebuke(s) could truly become HEALTHY in the faith (instead of remaining ILL) if they take heed of the rebuke(s) made. 

1 chapter later, Paul also wrote: "be-speaking (the things) which are-fitting (for) healthy teaching — (that) OLD-MEN be sober, honorable, sound-minded, BEING-HEALTHY [hugiainó 5198 in Greek] (in) faith" (Titus 2:1-2). Here Paul assumed that "OLD-MEN" (Titus 2:2) could end up "BEING-HEALTHY [hugiainó 5198 in Greek] (in) faith" (Titus 2:2) (instead of being ILL). 

sinning person (sinner) can be described to be indirectly in opposition with someone righteous... but people can be described as righteous:

In the Bible, a SINNING PERSON (SINNER) can be described as being indirectly in OPPOSITION to someone who is RIGHTEOUS.
For example Jesus said: "I-did not come to-call RIGHTEOUS (ones), BUT SINNING (ones)" (Matthew 9:13). 

For more information:
Descriptions of a sinning person (sinner):
Click here

But people can be described as being RIGHTEOUS
For example: "JOSEPH her husband, being RIGHTEOUS" (Matthew 1:19).

For more information:
Descriptions of a righteous person:
Click here

sinning person (sinner) can be described to be indirectly in opposition with someone who does the will of God... but someone can live for the will of God:

In the Bible, a sinning person (sinner) can be described as being indirectly in opposition to someone who does the will of God. 

For example it is written: "We-know that God does not hear SINNING (ones)BUT if anyone is (a) God-worshiping (one), and IS-DOING HIS WILL — He-hears this (one)" (John 9:31).

But someone can be described as living for the will of God. 

For example in 1 Peter it is written: "the (one) having-suffered (in the) flesh HAS-CEASED (FROM) SIN, SO-AS TO-LIVE the remaining time in (the) flesh no-longer (for the) desires (of) humans, but (FOR THE) WILL (OF) GOD" (1 Peter 4:1-2). 

sinning person (sinner) can be described as someone sinning... but it is possible for someone to not be sinning 

A "SINNING (one)" (sinner) can be described as a person who is sinning. 

For more information:
Descriptions of a sinning person (sinner):
Click here

But it is possible for someone to not be sinning. 

For more information:
Is it possible to not be sinning?:
Click here

Is it possible to become a sinning person (sinner) after not being one?

It is possible to become a sinning person (sinner) after not being one. 

For more information:
Is it possible to become a sinning person (sinner) after not being one?:
Click here


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