James 5:19-20: Save his soul out of death?

Does James 5:19-20 have conditions?

James 5:19: "My brothers, if anyone among you errs from the truth and someone turns him back,"

James 5:20: "let-him-know that the (one) having-turned-back (a) sinning (one) from (the) error (of) his way WILL-SAVE HIS SOUL OUT-OF DEATH, and will-cover (a) multitude (of) sins."

"Save" his "soul"?

James wrote: "the (one) having-turned-back (a) sinning (one) from (the) error (of) his way WILL-SAVE HIS SOUL out-of death" (James 5:20).

James wrote 4 chapters earlier: "receive with gentleness the implanted word being-able TO-SAVE YOUR SOULS" (James 1:21)

Save his soul out-of "death"?

James wrote: "the (one) having-turned-back (A) SINNING (ONE) from (the) error (of) his way will-save his soul out-of DEATH" (James 5:20).

The only other time that the Greek word for "DEATH' was used in James was 4 chapters earlier, where it is written: "SIN, having-been-completed, brings-forth DEATH" (James 1:15).

This would refer specifically to death from sin.

For more information:
What is death (from sin)?:
Click here

The "DEATH" in James 5:20 would be a death from sin as this person was also described there as "(A) SINNING (ONE)" (James 5:20).

Save his soul "out-of" death?

James wrote: "the (one) having-turned-back (a) sinning (one) from (the) error (of) his way will-save his soul OUT-OF DEATH" (James 5:20).

Someone who presently "is-abiding IN DEATH" (1 John 3:14) can have their soul saved "OUT-OF [ek 1537 in Greek] DEATH" (James 5:20). 

For more information:
Salvation from what?:
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"My brothers", if "anyone among you"?

James wrote: "MY BROTHERS, if ANYONE AMONG YOU errs from the truth and someone turns him back, let-him-know that the (one) having-turned-back (a) sinning (one) from (the) error (of) his way will-save his soul out-of death" (James 5:19-20).

In James 2, James called "MY BROTHERS" (James 2:1) the ones "HAVING THE FAITH (OF) OUR LORD JESUS" (James 2:1). 

In James 5, James wrote to "MY BROTHERS" (James 5:12): "Is ANYONE AMONG YOU suffering-hardship? Let-him-be-praying. Is anyone cheerful? Let-him-be-singing-praise. Is ANYONE AMONG YOU sick? Let-him-summon the elders (of) the church, and let-them-pray over him" (James 5:13-14).

Save his soul out-of death... after having been alive?

James wrote: "MY BROTHERS, if ANYONE AMONG YOU errs from the truth and someone turns him back, let-him-know that the (one) having-turned-back (a) sinning (one) from (the) error (of) his way will-save his soul OUT-OF DEATH" (James 5:19-20).

In James 2, James called "MY BROTHERS" (James 2:1) the ones "HAVING THE FAITH (OF) OUR LORD JESUS" (James 2:1). Someone having the faith of Jesus may be ALIVE

This could suggest that this person in James 5 may have been ALIVE, before needing to have their soul saved "out-of DEATH" (James 5:20) after erring from the truth. 

This can be possible, as someone can become DEAD (from sin) after having been ALIVE.

For more information:
Is it possible to become dead (from sin) after having been alive?:
Click here

Having turned back a sinning (one)?

James wrote: "My brothers, if anyone among you errs from the truth and someone turns him back, let-him-know that the (one) HAVING-TURNED-BACK (A) SINNING (ONE) from (the) error (of) his way will-save his soul out-of death" (James 5:19-20).

If "(A) SINNING (ONE)" (James 5:20) can be said to "HAVING-TURNED-BACK" (James 5:20), then it may be implied that the sinning person (sinner) may be turned back from being a sinning person. 

For more information:
Is it possible to not be a sinning person (sinner)?:
Click here

It is possible that this "SINNING (ONE)" (James 5:20) would not have been a sinning person (sinner) before it was said that he "errs from the truth" (James 5:20). Indeed it is possible to become a sinning person (sinner) after not being one:

For more information:
Is it possible to become a sinning person (sinner) after not being one?:
Click here

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